Binom_Tracker 发表于 2019-2-9 19:24:09

Binom - Tracker For Professionals [-60% ADVERTCN coupon]

本帖最后由 Binom_Tracker 于 2019-2-9 19:42 编辑

Binom Story

In year 2015 when iMobiTrax was already of poor quality, and Voluum is yet not good enough, me and my team run tons of cheap traffic to various utilities and sweeps. We heavy-heartedly paid $3000 for Voluum, but dreamed about our own tracker solution , which on one side would be cheaper, and on the other side would have all necessary functionality for our tasks. Like that, Binom saw the light of day. In spring of 2016 we started to use it for our campaigns and distributed to friends for Testing. By the fall tracker became quite good, and we started to sell it to the narrow circle of affiliates with big traffic volumes and high requirements to functionality, which was the stimulus for tracker's development.

At the given moment, more than 800+ clients from all over the world work with us. They process more than 2 billion clicks per month.

Adspexity screen:

Main pros:

[*]Interface and redirects speed (接口(interface)和重定向(redirect)的速度)

[*]Fix cost (价格)

[*]Simple and user-friendly (huge experience in AM allows us to make it the way it should be) (简单方便,在合作行销方面的丰富经验让我们“更方便)

[*]Unlimited domains (with free SLL certs), users, amount of rules, data storage time (无限域名(具有免费SSL证书)、用户、规则类型、数据存储时间)

[*]No-redirect tracking (integrated landings and LP Pixel) (直接追踪:内置登陆页面和LP Pixel)

[*]Tracking of any events and displaying in reports with any formulas (追踪任何事件和输出任何方案报告)

[*]Ideal solution for teams: unlimited users with custom access rights(为团队提供理想解决方案:具有访问权限的用户数无限制)

[*]Experienced technical support, free tracker installation and server setup + optimization (经验丰富的技术支持,免费安装追踪器及设置服务器)

Intercom screen:


[*]Self-hosted. We try to easy it for you with tech support, who can handle with everything that is related to the server. Including the tracker installation itself and server optimization. Technical experience is not required! (自托管。我们可以处理一切与服务器相关问题的技术支持自托管。包括从头安装所有的环境设备和追踪器本身。无需专业知识!)
[*]If you store more than 300 million clicks, for most servers you may run out of disk space. We have monitoring and clearing systems in tracker for that. (·如果您点击3亿次,可能会耗尽磁盘空间。因此我们已经编写了程序用于监控位置和清理旧数据。)

Than good for your niche?
Pop-traffic, Mobile (pop流量,移动电话):

[*]Tracker can process huge amounts of traffic (up to 600 million clicks per month) (追踪器拥有大流量容量(每月最多6亿次点击量))
[*]Price does not depend on volumes (价格不与数量挂钩)
[*]Super-fast redirects and reports speed (重定向和报告形成超快速)
[*]Check of tracker's and landing's domains for google ban (在谷歌检查追踪器域名并禁止登陆页面)
[*]Bots on landings detect and displaying them in a separate column for pubs filtering
[*]No-redirect tracking for loss reduce and cloaking within one URL (在同一网址下用于优化损耗和覆盖的无重定向跟踪)
[*]Display of bots, scrolls and backfix percentage or any available metrics in any section
[*]IP ranges Report
[*]A powerful API for automation (强大的API用于程序自动化)

Native Ads (本土广告)

[*]Marks for publishers (标记发布人)
[*]Update cost by tokens, so you could match with stats in the source (更新代币费用,用于在源头进行统计)
[*]Tracking of behavioral factors through events, for example, the percentage of logged in social networks user (通过事件追踪行为因素,例如社交网络中登录用户的百分比)
[*]Tracking of landing's viewing depth and exit points (登入点、登出点的深度监控追踪)
[*]Group campaign reports for cross-analysis (报告团体活动,以进行交叉分析)


[*]LP Pixel
[*]Integrated landings with PHP (create your no-redirect cloaks) (具有使用PHP的综合登陆页面(适用于无需重定向的外部覆盖))
[*]Replacing domain's index page in order to track and filter moderators, bots and displaying its statistics (替换和追踪域名索引页面以过滤调速器和自动程序,输出统计信息)
[*]No restrictions for cloaking rules: IP, user-agents, proxy traffic filters (对覆盖、IP过滤、用户代理、代理业务的规则没有限制)
[*]URL customization up to, understandable URL while using mod_rewrite. In fact, you can make a whole site inside the tracker


Campaigns page:


Traffic distribution:

Tokens mark:

What's in the plans?

[*]Auto-optimization of traffic distribution (自动优化流量分配)
[*]Triggers system. For example, decreased profit for last hour triggers a message to your phone messenger. Or if any offer is not accessible for some reason – pauses it. (already in latest update)
[*]App tracking
[*]Trackers monitoring (追踪器监控)
[*]Deep Integration with sources and networks (数据源与合作网络集成一体化)

The cost of the first license is $99/month. (第一次的许可费用是每月99美元)
Additional (for the 2nd and subsequent servers) - $49/month. (后续许可(第二次许可和后续服务程序)- 49美元/月)

Discounts for a prolonged extension.
3 months - 10%, 6 months - 20%, a year - 30%.

Discounts for ADVERTCN users

First 3 clients from the forum will get a free license for a year.
First 100 customers will receive a 60% discount for the second month and first month is free.

Use coupon 'ADVERTCN' or SIGN UP via this link:
...or see our live-demo

If you familiar with our tracker (or want to claim for free license!), please write about it in comment section!
You can see feedback from other users here:
Benjamin Yong

zjoie 发表于 2020-7-9 16:29:00

我也很喜欢Binom Tracker,简洁优雅

zdx 发表于 2019-2-9 19:59:43

binom其实比较好,我很喜欢这个tracking,帖子里头没有提及过event这个功能,如果懂点funnel的话,这个功能不错的。不说数据安全性的问题,比一些saas tracking的灵活性要高很多。

小白龙 发表于 2019-2-9 23:08:02

我也很喜欢Binom Tracker,简洁优雅

空格键 发表于 2019-2-9 23:11:47


cjyzpcl 发表于 2019-2-10 03:32:16

need a free license to test

cjyzpcl 发表于 2019-2-10 17:37:56

首先感谢Binom赠送的一年的free license,估计活动出来后我注册的最早。


ceom123 发表于 2019-2-10 18:43:26

已注册,过几天抽空安装上试一下。同上面几楼一样 好奇数据安全问题

Binom_Tracker 发表于 2019-2-12 17:20:12

Thank you for your kind words!

But I would remind to those of you, who hasn't had a chance to test Binom - that there are still 2 free licenses are avaliable!

ceom123 发表于 2019-2-13 22:27:03

Binom_Tracker 发表于 2019-2-12 17:20
Thank you for your kind words!

But I would remind to those of you, who hasn't had a chance to test...

Hello,i want to claim the free license. Signed 3 days ago! Thanks

Traffic 发表于 2019-2-13 22:40:30



Binom_Tracker 发表于 2019-2-13 23:10:54

ceom123 发表于 2019-2-13 22:27
Hello,i want to claim the free license. Signed 3 days ago! Thanks

Hi, no probem, just write me via private message your login in our system and I will provide you with one

tony11 发表于 2019-2-13 23:36:14

Hi,Signed 3 days ago,could I get a free license?

lailailai 发表于 2019-2-13 23:40:10

Binom_Tracker 发表于 2019-2-13 23:10
Hi, no probem, just write me via private message your login in our system and I will provide you w ...

need a free license to test.

thanks bro

ceom123 发表于 2019-2-14 00:32:06

谢谢Binom!拿到了一年的免费授权。试用了几天 发现Binom我需要的功能都有了 特别是Trigger,能结合caps自动停campaign 毕竟Time part有时候还是不靠谱 提前完成caps的话 就浪费不少流量。:lol:lol:lol

lailailai 发表于 2019-2-14 09:40:56

本帖最后由 lailailai 于 2019-2-14 09:46 编辑

非常喜欢bincom. 希望能得到free license
bincom可以帮忙过滤bot traffic

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