Binom_Tracker 发表于 2019-12-24 18:54:09

Our friends from Idvert created a nice review about our tracker here:

Binom_Tracker 发表于 2020-4-26 19:18:29

Update 1.14 - 13.03

What's new?

Integration with Traffic Sources (strange matches)
So far, there are some pop sources and a few native. In the future, we will add Facebook, Google, and even more native sources. So far, we integrated:
At the beginning there are only basic features: linking matching campaigns, start/stop and changing the bid, where it is possible.

In the next update we will add white and black lists, balances (you can setup notifications, which is very helpful), and cost synchronization.
In general, there is a large field for work, both in terms of new features and traffic sources support. A lot of hard work, but also a lot of convenience in the end. The API capabilities are huge and supported be almost all traffic sources. And in conjunction with triggers system this will be a blast. Stuff like <publisher rule> -- > add the publisher to the white list.

Code editor
I recall my long-standing desire to edit landing pages directly from the tracker. This would be very convenient, I thought, when I was running campaigns myself. We decided to implement it. In addition to the editor itself, there is also a built-in file client. You can use it to view files on your server with tracker, or connect via FTP to a third-party server. Tracker will remember the location of the land page even on an external server.

Landers grabber
Sometimes you have to steal the landing page. Now it's easy, you can even grab them in bulk. The feature is not perfectly, you can say it is in beta-mode, but it's working. Should you have any issues with it – send them to support, we will work on it. Again, it is convenient to edit grabbed land pages with our new code editor.

This feature was asked by many with large traffic. All you need is set the time interval and the data is purging itself.

Full list of changes
- Multithreading algorithms, increased speed and stability
- Deeper Integration with traffic sources
- Grab Landers - Landing copy feature (doc)
- SFTP Landing Editor
- Automated clearings (doc)
- GEO filter on the Offers tab
- Language filter on the Landers tab
- New notes: Aff.Networks and Traffic Sources
- New traffic distribution rules: crawler and headers
- CSV download for conversion logs
- Time zone option in general stats
- MagicChecker key automated check
- Rules in ClickLog
- Postback to Traffic Source for any conversion changes
- Keyboard shortcut disabling option in Settings
- Improved language recognition
- Improved tracker’s update system
- Improved integrated landings algorithms
- New self-diagnostic feature, improved stability
- New columns for the number of nested elements of Paths, Rules, Landers, Offers
- New tokens: {cnv_currency}, {path_num}, {lander_num}, {offer_num}
- API: Monitor and Trends
- Improved SSL verification
- Accelerated Custom Time general statistics uploading
- Responsive design improvements
- S2S postback percentage adjust on Campaign level
- Selected report lines copy to clipboard
- Click uniqueness for unlimited time
- Click uniqueness setup by any Header (IP, User-Agent, User-Agent + IP, etc.)
- Click API: Integrated and Multi-offer landings
- Error output in Monitor page
- Upsell disable option for manual conversion updates
- New Triggers condition: Offer - Payout Shift - Same
- Ability to send a postback with event/lp_token by clickid
- Token Update cost from the context menu
- Automatic campaign domain selection during metarefresh

zjoie 发表于 2020-7-9 16:29:00

我也很喜欢Binom Tracker,简洁优雅

Binom_Tracker 发表于 2021-10-11 23:00:05

很高兴为您介绍Binom 1.16.新功能:

- Facebook 评论

- Facebook 多用户许可
您还可以将 Facebook 账号及代理绑定至不同的用户由于安全原因,请把图片上传到论坛

- Adspect 对接
我们开发了Adspect对接,Adspect是市场上最好的保护方案之一。Facebook、Google以及其他流量源都可以被 Adspect 过滤掉由于安全原因,请把图片上传到论坛

- Auto CPA

- 新货币

- Drag-N-Drop

- 序数

- PHP7.4 兼容改善
- Facebook 对接改善
- 根据用户许可在Domains标签上显示是否该用户具有域名绑定的campaign许可
- 修改了一些故障(包括使用JS Protection时,"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" 头字段出现双重这个故障在内)
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