大神 stackman 的的cpa思路建议(翻译)
After giving feedback to quiet a few campaigns. I've noticed some trends. Most affs prioritize their split tests like this:(很多aff会进行A/B Test 像这样)
- make a couple of ads. (做个夫妻图片的广告)
- make one lander/angle. (使用一个lp,一个广告角度)
- check results. (检查接结果)
- split test a different lander titles. (A/B test 不同lp的标题)
- split test lander images. (A/B test 不同lp的图片)
- check results. (检查接结果)
- make a few more different ads. (测试更多的广告(同一个广告类型的广告))
- check results. (检查结果)
- split test call to action buttons on the lander. (A/B testlp上的call 按钮)
- check results. (检查结果)
Usually by that point affs would either pack it in because they aren't profitable, or will be happy that they are profiting and try to spend more. (通常aff 会放弃因为没有赚钱,或者是非常开心,盈利加大投入)
I'm not saying that strategy is completely wrong...(我不能说这种策略完全错误)
However a strategy that has worked very well for me goes a little like:(然而有更好策略 想这样)
- make a few ads. (制作一个少量广告)
- make one lander/angle. (制作一个lp,一个广告角度)
- check results. (检查结果)
- If profitable or break even, if losing split test with a different angle. (如果策略保本或者盈利,不要放弃测试别的广告角度)
- check results. (检查结果)
- make a few more ads.
我想说的是。。 LZ 你的英文 确实有点差。。。
a couple of ads: 不是夫妻,是一些
a few ads: 不是少量,是一些 河小马 发表于 2013-3-12 07:12 static/image/common/back.gif
我想说的是。。 LZ 你的英文 确实有点差。。。
a couple of ads: 不是夫妻,是一些
呵呵,这样的翻译确实容易误导 河小马 发表于 2013-3-12 07:12 static/image/common/back.gif
我想说的是。。 LZ 你的英文 确实有点差。。。
a couple of ads: 不是夫妻,是一些
夫妻。。真那样的话这类的LP不容易通过吧哈哈~~ 楼主是机器翻译的吧 - make a couple of ads. (做个夫妻图片的广告)
:lol :lol,被误导了。 一般人是会只看汉字的。如果有带汉字翻译的话,,不看后面的回复,,真被误导了。 楼主你翻译出来的比用工具翻译的还差 make a couple of ads 这个经典翻译。。。。 :lol, 什么时候我也来翻译个。 :loveliness:虽有错误但值得鼓励。 我还以为是做婚外情广告呢:lol 看来学好英语很有必要 楼主的娱乐精神可嘉:lol 帮楼主脸红一下:loveliness: