top888 发表于 2013-3-10 21:15:17


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Newbie Guide
Tracy Shaffer
David Ford
? 2011 Tracy Shaffer & David Ford 1
Getting Your Mind Right to Start Affiliate Marketing
The affiliate marketing space is filled with offers, internet traffic sources, promotion techniques and an
ever-increasing list of gurus who claim to know (and be able to teach you) the “next big thing” where
you'll wake up to millions of dollars overnight. For anyone who has ACTUALLY done affiliate marketing
with any success, these claims are laughable and far from the truth.
Affiliate marketing is simply a business, like any other. There are customers, sales, suppliers and cash
flow management. The main benefits are the low barrier to entry compared to other businesses, and
the ability for a marketer to be a one person shop and make an incredible amount of money with low
The winners in this business are the ones with persistence when nothing works, who know there's
plenty of money to be made and just keep at it, who can fail over and over and still build campaigns.
The cold hard reality is this: virtually everything in the space is changeable, what worked today can
stop working tomorrow, you can (and will) get slapped, banned, kicked out, and generally screw up.
Most of these things happen suddenly and without warning, and they all contribute to the amazing
learning experience available to anyone with a few hundred bucks and the ability to open an
advertising account.
Your competitors are willing to work at this around the clock. This isn't a push button, instant business
where you're likely to get rich overnight. Everyone I've ever met who has been successful at internet
marketing has spent countless hours learning, trying new things, launching, tweaking, improving,
trying something else, failing. There isn't any guaranteed recipe for success except this: persistence.


With that in mind, this guide will explore just one internet traffic source, PPV, and is set up to get you
started building PPV campaigns right away from start to finish. With that said, time to jump in and get
started building.
Things you need to get started:
1.Web Hosting- preferably a VPS (virtual private server) or higher (e.g. Beyond Hosting, Hostgator)
2.Affiliate account at a CPA Network (e.g. Ads4Dough, Neverblue)
3.Account at a CPV/PPV traffic network (e.g. LeadImpact, Trafficvance, MediaTraffic)
4.Tracking Setup to Track down to the keyword/url level (e.g. Prosper202 or CPVLab)
This guide describes from start to finish, how to get started in affiliate marketing by running traffic
with PPV.
1、web空间-可是是一台VPS或更好的(例如 服务器)
Basic Getting Started Definitions
Affiliate Marketing- is an internet-based marketing practice in which a business pays one or more
affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's marketing efforts. The two main
? 2011 Tracy Shaffer & David Ford 2
types off affiliate networks are cost per sale (CPS) and cost per action (CPA).
Cost per sale (CPS) network- Every time an affiliate sends a visitor who buys a product, the affiliate
receives a commission on that product. An example would be the Associates program,
Comission Junction or Clickbank

Cost per action (CPA) network- The affiliate earns a commission by sending a visitor who completes
an action like filling out a form, submitting their email address, signing up for a service or sometimes
buying a product. An example would be Ads4Dough or Neverblue.

Affiliate Manager- an affiliate's contact at a CPA affiliate network who is responsible for the affiliate's
account, getting the affiliate approved for offers, bumping payouts and just about everything else
related to an affiliate's account at the network. Having a good relationship with your affiliate manager
right from the start can really help you.

PPV- means pay-per-view, and is also called CPV (cost-per-view). This type of internet traffic is served
in pop-up form through downloadable software on the visitor's computer. The advertiser pays per
view, starting anywhere from .01 or .015.

In order to use this type of internet traffic, the affiliate can sign up with a number of different
companies who serve popups. The main PPV/CPV networks are Trafficvance, LeadImpact,
MediaTraffic, and AdOn Network.
Don't popups get blocked by pop blocker software?
No. Popups are served in a new browser window as if the visitor had opened the new window
How many popups get served to the visitor?
The number of popups served varies depending on the PPV network. Some pop more frequently
(LeadImpact), others less frequently (Trafficvance). PPV advertising companies make their money by
serving this kind of advertising, so they have to toe the line between keeping their software
downloaded and still making a profit.
Isn't this type of software bad? Why would anyone keep it on their computer?
No, this type of software doesn't harm the user's computer.
Companies that specialize in this type of traffic offer their visitor an incentive like screensavers, games,
toolbars or videos to place the software on their computer. The visitor keeps the software in place so
that they can continue to have access to the incentive.
? 2011 Tracy Shaffer & David Ford 3
How to Get Accepted into a CPA Network
In order to start marketing offers, it will be necessary to join one or more CPA networks. A good place
to start looking for networks is Offervault which lists offers and lets you compare payouts across
different networks.
Once you find a network that you want to join, fill out the affiliate (sometimes called publisher)
application and be as specific as possible about your promotion methods. Usually some time after
receiving your application, the company will call to interview you. The phone interview is a critical
part of the application process, and most networks will deny your application outright if they can't get
you on the phone.
Often, the person who does your phone interview will actually become your affiliate manager after
you get accepted, so it's a good time to put your best food forward.
You might not relish at the idea of someone grilling you about your internet marketing methods over
the phone, but trust me, this part is critical. Have answers in mind for the questions:
What methods do you use to market offers?
Do you already have a website you will be using?
How much is your advertising budget?
What other networks are you a member of?
Who are your affiliate managers at these networks?
Do you use social media (Facebook, twitter, etc.) to market offers?
How much traffic can you drive?
Do you have a personal recommendation from anyone who is already a member?
Once you provide satisfactory answers to these questions, the network will approve or deny your
application. If you get denied, just keep applying or call someone on the phone and try again. Be
persistent. Also, getting a personal recommendation from someone who is already an active affiliate
for the network can be helpful.
To meet people from various networks, sometimes it can be effective to go to conferences like Affiliate
Summit, or AdTech and make sure that you talk to people. Also, lots of affiliate managers and network
owners are members of the forum and WickedFire. Sometimes just getting to know
people can open a lot of doors as far as networks are concerned.
After You Join a CPA Network
Once you're a member of a CPA Network, it's a really good idea to reach out to your affiliate manager
and make an attempt to get to know them a little bit.
Frankly, there are great affiliate managers and horrible ones, and a good one can be worth their
weight in gold. Start feeling them out from the start and try to get to know them. Once you get
? 2011 Tracy Shaffer & David Ford 4
larger, they can really help you with your marketing efforts, scaling campaigns and getting payout
bumps on offers. Lots of times it's easiest to communicate with your AM in real time over AIM versus
For more helpful info about dealing with affiliate managers, check out:
更多的关于如何和AM打交道的文章请看: ... -affiliate-manager/ ... iate-managers-want/

top888 发表于 2013-3-10 21:16:15

? 2011 Tracy Shaffer & David Ford 5
Set Up Web Hosting
Getting an internet hosting account is beyond the scope of this guide, but a few things need to be said
about internet hosting.

In general, you get what you pay for with hosting. When you use a shared
host for PPV traffic, you are putting yourself at huge risk because your bandwidth is shared with
whoever else is on the same server as you.
Speed is the name of the game in PPV traffic. Your offers and landing pages need to pop up fast
enough that the visitor can't close the window before your pop up is even shown. You have about 3
seconds before the user can get that window shut. If your offer doesn't show in that time, tough luck.
To explain the difference between types of hosting packages, picture a refrigerator (the server) in a
house full of roommates (hosting customers).
In shared hosting, this is like having roommates where everyone has no specific designated area inside
the fridge where they are supposed to put their food. Everyone just jams their food in however it will
Say your roommate brings home a large turkey. They will then take up more of the refrigerator than
the rest of the roommates, by virtue of simply needing more space and resources to accommodate
their food. Everyone else's food in the house has less space to take advantage of.
If you have less server resources to take advantage of, your ability to serve popups will slow down. For
any type of hosting this is a bad thing, and especially while running PPV traffic.
In the case of a virtual private server (VPS), everyone in the house has their own designated space
inside the fridge to put their food, and other roommates can't come into that space. The server is
partitioned, so that each customer can only use a specific amount of resources at any given time.
A dedicated server would be like having the whole fridge to yourself. All of the server's resources
belong to you and no one else can use up those resources. This makes it possible to serve much more
traffic, faster.
At the very minimum, you need a VPS to run PPV traffic, and at higher volumes, a dedicated server.
Another good discussion of the difference seen by someone using shared vs vps hosting for PPV is
另外一个很好的讨论看到有人使用共享与VPS托管PPV的差异是在这里: ... -VS-Beyond-Hosting-
Dedicated-Hosting-vs Shared-Hosting ... Hosting-vs.-Shared-
? 2011 Tracy Shaffer & David Ford 6
Hosting Providers for PPV
Beyond Hosting
With BeyondHosting, your VPS can come preloaded with either Prosper202 or CPVLab (with payment
receipt). The VPS's are specifically tuned so they can handle the amount of redirects needed when
direct linking with PPV. Also, these guys provide great support.
如果您使用BeyondHosting的VPS,该VPS已经预装Prosper202或CPVLab(付款收据)。 VPS已经做了特定设置,使他们能够处理所需的重定向时与PPV直接连接。此外,这些家伙提供了很大的支持。

Prosper202 Optimized Hosting
Prosper202优化主机 ... per202-VPS-Hosting/
CPVLab Optimized Hosting
Domain Names for PPV
Once you buy your hosting it's time to also buy a domain name and get it on your hosting. This is
where you're going to host your tracking software and your landing pages if you decide to make them.
Oftentimes people wonder if they should have a specific domain name or a generic one. One generic,
bland one is fine to start with, to host both your landing pages and tracking software. The .com,
.net, .org extension doesn't really matter, this isn't a domain we're going to try to use to SEO rank for a
term or build a whole website.
购买买主机,你还需要为你的主机买个域名.那是你安装你的追踪软件和LP的地方.通常,人们不知道是选择一个特定的域名还是通用的,一个通用普通的就行,存放你的LP和追踪软件.选.com .net .org不重要,这不是我们要用来做SEO来排名的
After you buy hosting, a domain and get those all attached to each other, the next step is to install
tracking software on your domain. This is really important, because it is necessary to track your
conversions down to keyword level so that you can optimize your campaigns. Without proper
tracking, it is impossible to know what is working and what isn't.
To do this, first set up either Prosper202 or CPV Lab on your hosting account. Setting up the software
is beyond the scope of the guide, but both are pretty user friendly and have getting started guides.

CPVLab Help Videos
As far as which tracking software to choose, Prosper202 is open source, free and pretty much an
industry standard.
? 2011 Tracy Shaffer & David Ford 7
CPV Lab is a paid option, but has a lot of functionality that Prosper202 lacks. You also benefit from
good support if you have problems with your installation.
Tracking 202
Tracking 202 is the hosted version of Prosper202. You can create a free account and then build your
campaigns using the Tracking202 internet-based interface which is similar to the Prosper202 user
If you choose this option, keep in mind that your tracking software, one of the most important parts of
your campaigns and through which all of your affiliate links are run- is at the mercy of the Tracking202
interface, and their hosting.
Ttracking 202是Prosper202的主机版本。您可以创建一个免费帐户,然后建立自己的使用的Tracking202的基于互联网的接口,这和Prosper202用户是类似的。

Also, your tracking software reveals the most critical part of your campaigns- the converting keywords
and targets which you are bidding on. Leaving this up to chance in order to save money could
potentially leave you open to huge risk if someone else caught on to what offer and keywords you
were using.
Choose An Offer
Now, we're going to go to the CPA Network that we joined and look for an offer to send PPV traffic to.
Lesson on Offer Selection
offer选择的课程 ... on-Selecting-Offers
In that lesson, David explains how to choose an offer in Neverblue, and some criteria for doing so.
To explain this here, we're going to go through setting up a basic campaign in Ads4Dough using
LeadImpact as the traffic source.

Now the best way to learn how to put all of this together is to just get started. For some variation in
the guide, I'm going to grab a basic Walmart gift card email submit and build a simple direct linked
When you choose an offer, always make sure that it accepts PPV traffic, usually this is listed on the first
page as contextual, downloadable software. This $1,000 Walmart gift card email submit offer says
that all traffic is accepted.
First, I log into Ads4Dough and click on Campaigns, then Email/Zip submits.
This is where I get my link for the offer, place my tracking pixel from Prosper202 or CPVLab, and can
get creatives like banners or images specifically for the offer.
? 2011 Tracy Shaffer & David Ford 8
Before I do anything else, I'm going to place my tracking pixel from my tracking software so that I can
track my keywords. Without doing this, it isn't possible to see what's converting.
In Prosper 202, your pixel is located under Setup → Get Postback/Pixel and the screen looks like this:
? 2011 Tracy Shaffer & David Ford 9
In CPV Lab, your pixel is located under the screen where you input a new campaign, toward the
bottom of the page:
Next, I have to cut and paste this pixel into my offer at Ads4Dough.
Click on the offer → pixels → Add a new pixel and this comes up:
Make sure that Image is selected under 'Choose a pixel type', name your pixel and now paste the URL
from your software into the box that says 'Enter URL of image to load'.
Once you do this, it should look like this:
? 2011 Tracy Shaffer & David Ford 10
Click 'Submit Pixel' and if it is entered correctly, you should now see a screen that looks like this:
Now your pixel is placed and you're ready to grab your link for the offer and build a campaign in either
Prosper or CPVLab.

孤旅梦雪 发表于 2013-3-10 21:21:36


i-d 发表于 2013-3-10 21:28:59

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