A lead cap is the amount of LEADS you can generate in ONE day. Say a dating offer had a cap of 200 then you can not send more than 200 leads on the front end in one day until they seen how they converted on the back end for them. once they are able to check lead quality they will usually lift the cap. draco 发表于 2017-5-18 08:59
网上搜了一下,warriorforum的回答,大概意思也是流量限制,估计广告商自己也要测试广告的效果,然后再根据 ...
是这个意思 你找不到的,名字可能被改了,地址也换了的,难道你想人脸识别? mark一下
:lol:lol 我看懂了就是有多个联盟的限量A联盟AFF跑出的高质量任务一,然后自己用任务二,三。。。等名字放在自己别的联盟跑,搜个球@唐朝和尚 ?