How can you Generate a Unique content that really get's the eyes of your Buyer? 让哥告诉你, 如何写一篇亮瞎狗眼的营销神作!
1. Got to Ezine
2. Get 3 articles about your topic 找三篇跟你的话题相关的文章
3. Get a Paper and pen. NOT a Notepad 搞一张纸,喂!不是卫生纸啊亲!
4. Read the articles and take down notes on the main key Phrases. Make sure it's 1 - 3 words only. 通读三篇文章,用最少的文字总结下这三篇文章的要点,写在那张纸上。
5. Read it again 总结完,再读一遍
6. Remove all the 3 articles off your browser 关上万恶的浏览器
7. Write the articles out of your notes and on what you have read. 根据刚才记录下那些文章要点,用自己的话把刚才读过的文章写一遍。
8. After writing Read it aloud. This is the best proof reading method that is proven. 写完了读一读,赶脚哪里不顺的再改改。
9. Let it rest for an hour and create another article 看一部波多野老师的作品,然后就可以写第二篇了。
10. Proofread the 1 st article again. This will make the grammar perfect. 写了N篇之后,把前面写的那几篇都再看看,不好的地方再改改
This process is what I've used when I was writing back in 2004 and still working. I am giving this out to my writers and they are getting great results with this until now. This method will take you only 15 minutes to complete 1 article overall if you have already mastered the techniques. I hope that you guys like this old or school time method.