新人求助,最近想了解下facebook,申请了几次账号,尝试过不同邮箱,不同资料,都被秒拒,不知道是什么情况? 8 b6 C5 T6 s1 Y+ L/ [ : o2 K9 N- `3 ]: h# Z+ O ( d0 N( a( ~5 x1 {" e( @Your Account Has Been Disabled ; W, D; J6 F! CYou can't use Facebook because your account, or activity on it, doesn't follow our Community Standards. z6 Z/ Q1 K: G; [5 f& L7 C4 r
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If you think we disabled your account by mistake, we can take you through a few steps to request a review. , y+ `' Z9 A9 Q 4 h5 _0 Y" @- Z2 |+ f/ KPlease note that we have fewer reviewers available right now due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Because of this, we may be unable to review all requests and the way we handle reviews has changed. We'll guide you through a few steps to request one. % M: E) U& m% b; Z S: a& O ' O( v. A- y3 k) Q: y3 h( v4 l! j2 F5 V1 i7 y
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