玩大人流量的同学肯定不会陌生 trafficjunky, 世界上最优质的大人流量之一。。但是价格也很高。。。从这里也可以看出, 大人站做大了,钱也是爽歪歪的& W. }% C( O6 P
+ ]: x: |: H6 s
trafficjunky 新开香港office,很明显是想在亚洲市场有所突破。今年来亚洲市场越来越成熟,任何一方都不能忽视亚洲的marketer
Hello 6 U( B; h+ m, A9 ^
, c8 K3 E7 A" G) L4 O
日本語で読むにはこちらにクリックください。 ( R3 x2 q; S) c* t$ o: {6 l
以中文閱讀,請按此。 7 t3 y0 ^& p" r W
한국어는 여기를 누르십시오. 1 T7 T- [8 H1 |% C! ?8 I1 S. ^
+ r5 m7 J$ Q/ {: f. l9 r: H4 P
We have wanted to serve Asian customers better for many years and have done just that with the opening of a new office in Hong Kong! Our Hong Kong team is ready to serve you in these languages: 9 Y7 t0 S1 V7 ~7 x( w
• Japanese 3 |* y, K2 d: N6 G# {2 A
• Chinese/ E) R( m, X* J# w5 E: x
• Korean- K! d6 p2 l7 e
• English ( z+ N( H& v0 v1 n9 z% ?7 X' I
If you would like to get in touch with the TrafficJunky Hong Kong Team, please contact them at: 0 t& d' `. l0 x P. T
Monday to Friday from 10AM - 6PM (Hong Kong Standard time) u! b8 B" H+ P( S5 g) O5 L
. y7 c2 r- X. ^9 m4 d8 c( R; u
Our Montreal team is ready to serve you in English and French and can be reached at [email protected]. 5 p* K% v& ~$ e8 N
4 T& l8 x- D7 g6 V4 \$ E
Thank you for your continued support of TrafficJunky, if you have any questions, suggestions or ideas then please do get in touch and we will be happy to try to incorporate them in our expansion. + x2 U8 e% \* _