We have wanted to serve Asian customers better for many years and have done just that with the opening of a new office in Hong Kong! Our Hong Kong team is ready to serve you in these languages: g Y7 \( B' D
• Japanese 9 X" y4 d8 q8 b/ Y* K
• Chinese. s( q- B, n& m, h( D% n( q3 ]5 x
• Korean8 }/ l) `! O$ Z% |& h2 L
• English; h; v) l. a6 d. t, {! g
If you would like to get in touch with the TrafficJunky Hong Kong Team, please contact them at: 5 w' n* f' w8 x, x7 W
8 s- }6 f$ F6 C- L9 c7 ` y
+852 2607 4301 (Japanese, Chinese, English)3 C- }& k8 \" A' S6 o$ i" W
+852 2607 4302 (Korean, Chinese) % \ ^" T1 R+ j" V. Q* c
Monday to Friday from 10AM - 6PM (Hong Kong Standard time) & w' M, T1 C# v) V+ |
3 r% m6 A+ k) n; e, u8 ?$ [( I/ M6 r
Our Montreal team is ready to serve you in English and French and can be reached at [email protected]. ' R3 F* W4 a8 S" V! R$ F
; V/ k) p8 S1 n
Thank you for your continued support of TrafficJunky, if you have any questions, suggestions or ideas then please do get in touch and we will be happy to try to incorporate them in our expansion. : X1 J3 c0 e0 ~4 G, t2 g