D$ c6 P& t+ J" mHG给发的邮件: 7 ]8 c3 z- a, M. l2 D6 wHello, This message is to advise you of a temporary block placed on your account. This account was found to be consuming an inordinate amount of processor time, to the point of degrading overall system performance. While we do limit each account to no more than 25% of a system's CPU in our terms of service, we do not actively disable accounts until they greatly exceed that number, which is what happened in this case. Requests to this scripts under this account may become degraded by limiting the abilty for scripts to run for a limited amount of time, or if the issue persists, we may be forced to restrict how fast processes can be spawned until the issue has been resolved. We recommend taking steps to reduce the overall CPU usage for the account, which may be as simple as generating a flat HTML page for popular content, or enabling caching that is available through many popular scripts, or disabling high CPU usage features such as searches or Ajax refreshes. Although we may not be able to help in all cases, we would be more than happy to assist if you are unable to determine any cause, or if you need help interpreting any of the information. CPU seconds used in the past hour: 2557.83000000017, 72% CPU 9 G E# @, g7 z0 k! I ( t, r$ A! e( d4 @) r- q9 k! I8 f/ d我看下了流量统计,发现6,7月的流量增长惊人,最让我郁闷的是什么东西导致流量猛增,最终把空间给搞挂了的?{:soso_e111:}这么多流量,我可一点好处都没有得到,当时要是挂个GG多好啊!{:soso_e109:}/ x! a+ V) P; g2 X8 H* s. o
* h7 [/ i% c9 y4 ]9 z请教一下,在这样的情况下要怎么才能恢复网站? 6 b5 s$ ^. ]% E0 } z. i# Y, V$ K0 ~9 d# f2 r6 v* D3 y
以下是截图: ( f- V! L2 Q8 O. q/ D$ S 9 |8 _% r. s1 e' O5 z% D 8 y* z1 w) y1 f3 k7 N* L; p % E9 z% D/ |! A9 f 9 I |4 R, d& T7 b% k6 W/ f7 V1 c7 ~+ Y; O# T
- Y) v9 R( y7 @3 I& v/ ?8 e
$ x0 Y' ?! t4 A4 o: t( }' F * z+ |+ n# `' _# U% E6 @$ x& o# a: U3 Z9 p' f
, j H0 g4 H' w# q先感谢各位的回答,之前可能没有说清楚,那站我是装了个WP,然后再装个DZ准备做论坛的,上面什么都有没有。后来有事就没有去看了!昨天认真查了后台,和在谷歌搜下域名发现: k+ T# _9 ^8 O0 C$ B F . }+ p5 k/ b% V4 f2 x( x原来那个论坛不知道什么时候发展到4W多会员了,可能都是水军,发大人帖,发广告的,每日发的帖子有1W多,可能已经给人做成大人站了,8成访客来自中国,最大的来源站是一个老外的大人站。最后可能引起某位注意,采集也来了。结果网站就挂了。 1 j5 P& Z0 s+ C9 o6 B E有几个问题请教下:1 v3 ^5 U) W6 ~. I
1+ u, T' G+ A1 V; K6 a1 V4 y
现在后台的数据库有2G多,我很想知道站的里面是什么内容,下载几次到100多MB就断线了,怎么把下载下来,并导入数据库,7 ]& f0 Y/ J$ E. V+ S" M
好像数据库导入有最大多少限制。要怎么才能导入? # _' \$ ^$ v" _) h' s2 Q: T+ {3 e5 M6 A$ ~, |1 d% t
2.9 L2 f! J0 F. J# w6 d, a6 t
我把原网站删除了,放了一个单页在那里,好像每天还是有几百IP过来,请教能否利用一下这些IP? & Q3 z y/ `- @# F) B1 ?谢谢!$ K) y+ V4 I0 m$ u* N( }0 h7 I5 y
' J% ^; }+ i# L0 K+ h0 r! R1 N1 w
( ~9 y2 F5 S7 z& f% V- R" D, S3 h. t3 U
3 [/ w& }+ ~+ b9 R# m+ [; M& `3 |5 M; {2 S( ^/ p9 B9 c
7 M O/ \$ @$ l+ x1 r% r$ \