本帖最后由 blueberry8 于 2019-1-6 22:06 编辑 3 z w) {" c1 Y4 R2 e8 D 3 F; x, [1 k: }2 G7 s& Q# r* m
Is there a DSP that accepts scripts and creative tags 并且无预付门槛?
a5 Y- _2 p/ @0 _好像坛内这块信息并不太多,所幸列举了小部分网络上支持这2个前提条件的DSP ; {: d8 }( V! |5 Q% Fhttp://bluagile.com. All you have to do is add funds to run your campaigns and after that you're good to go since they don't have a minimum monthly ad spend % x7 I/ r. F. K6 @/ qthe Pocketmath PRO mobile DSP Accepts JS and iframe creative tags, URLs, M. @8 ?3 d3 w4 L( m# Z# Z Epom Market self-serve DSP We do not require a monthly minimum spend. Accepts Javascripts and iframe creative tags, URLs4 @8 ]4 w$ \" E1 L2 b, L$ _( U8 N
Etc., : `$ ]9 E4 E- u6 c * h4 d5 f+ ]7 o/ f9 n9 T# W- w$ V' o8 R
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