本帖最后由 fjeanbart 于 2018-10-17 23:02 编辑 ! I2 A( f/ l1 N. D
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Hi All, * G' {5 L3 x$ |% |
Some of you may not be aware, but today is a historic day in Canada, as marijuana has been officially legalized across the country. 8 n3 I4 Q% R; a8 ?
In celebration, here are the 5 verticals that are trending the "Highest" on the network: " `6 q+ u* w% {
- France Diet (SS): This offer is still sitting comfortably on top of the Jumbleberry trend list. We now have a tiered bonus plan in place where you can earn up to an extra $50,000, in addition to the sales you generate on this offer Hit me up to learn how you can take advantage of this bonus plan!
- US Diet (Trial): Whether you run Keto or Garcinia diet offers, we've got you covered. With over 20 US diet trial offers, now is the time to get your campaigns ready for the new year. 2 step offers will cap out Quick, so hit me up and I'll secure dedicated cap for the week.
- Spain Diet (SS): If you're looking for a vertical with very cheap clicks and high ROI, then look no further than our exclusive Spain diet offer. This offer is brought to you by the same adv in France, so it's the same Deal as before if you need sponsored spend.
- US Muscle/ME (Trial): Our US Muscle/ME vertical has the most 2 step trial offers and we've got a handful of offers that are tops in the industry.
- US CBD (Trial + SS): whether you're promoting gummies, oils or patches we've got you covered. Let me know which type of CBD offer you're having the most success with and I can secure you a GEPC test on One of our offers.+ _5 ^& n3 Z. G( M$ I0 \+ [% Q' z' p
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Ask me about our JB Affiliate Referral Program and make some extra cash for referring over your friends!
% T& O& \) a; G9 UFrederic Jean-Bart - Senior Affiliate Manager Skype: fjeanbart 4 b7 \ O! Q* o