本帖最后由 YMVPS 于 2013-7-4 15:49 编辑
* s( w; @; g" w1 l. g
) v7 _' [: m6 G# |% @2 i# B昨天下午限额刚刚突破350刀,昨晚毫无任何征兆的突然被封。今天得到FB的回复,为了更好的用户体验和提供高质量的内容,这是最后的答复,我们无法reactive你的帐号。
& L$ I7 L* R! k4 |1 O% s2 _6 N+ \
5 ]. L8 K( I1 _so...so...(欲哭无泪啊)! }5 D7 D1 ]4 Y; W7 T$ v
: H H5 U. R+ }, O, m
求指教 有什么开新帐户的方法不,或者通过FB代理或者什么第三方的API,或者什么第三方的平台...等等等等
/ \: e) A6 X7 q0 f; Q3 J; W9 q# B( b& { [$ E
4 ?2 v+ {" o8 l蛋疼的碎了一地。
- q2 a, m8 k1 b4 d0 f. U; {+ H+ W' `- V/ \' g( ]
3 x O: U' A( H
看来用代理上FB ad容易被打啊,以前一直是在VPS上通过SSH 代理访问FB.起码这一点要避免了。# P. |: f4 t; B6 N1 F
在被封了3次之后终于永远的被封了!; c* A7 F5 Q9 \
) c2 e: ?! u- |/ _' k
附上FB的回复,权当了lesson learn 吧1 V) A- J; Z- U" m) r
Facebook is committed to presenting ads to our users that are useful and non-intrusive, and we are continually working to increase the relevance of ads. Our goal is to provide the highest quality user experience. We reserve the right to reject any advertising that we deem contrary to these objectives. Similarly, we reserve the right to close an account creating ads contrary to these objectives.
+ c2 m; k& s7 V$ S, q
( x1 F S# T& Z' S. @& I' `& b8 j5 TFor this reason, if any of your ads have been removed or your ad account has been disabled, we will be unable to reactivate either. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please consider this decision final., t' C- m, v" n2 d1 e5 O" z/ o6 x
7 R5 a1 [9 X: J* L5 Q3 l' Y, A1 ^Thanks for your understanding, |