发表于 2013-6-26 16:09:26
本帖最后由 lol 于 2013-6-26 16:15 编辑
You do not have the rights to redistribute, resell, lease, license, sub-license or offer the file downloaded to any third party.For any resalable web applications or software programs, you should not include our graphic resources as an additional attachment. This will be considered as a redistribution of our resources which is forbidden by us.
You may not resell or distribute our freebies. Uploading our freebies to another website or offering them for download on another website is not allowed. If you would like to feature our freebies on your website or share them with friends, do not link directly to the resource files, please link to the appropriate page on our site where it is possible to download the freebie
一般版权说明都这样. 这是个比较纠结的问题.如果给出连接,让访客去目标站下载,结果就是访问深度急剧下降,停留时间也大幅缩水,我前几天就这么实验了一下,访问深度由平均5页直接下降到平均2页,时间由3分钟下降到1分左右.有些太离谱了这样.
可是如果直接把文件放在站上让访客下载,谁知道会不会被版权者投诉GG AD,给K掉.现在要查看自己的图片那些网站在用,还是比较简单的。不过,在看的过程中,直接在网站上提供文件,并且给出文件来源连接的网站也不少,也没被GG AD给K掉。所以,现在也不清楚,到底该怎么搞才是正确的。