本帖最后由 seekhow 于 2013-6-25 09:07 编辑 + M- W9 c; M7 ]2 `
/ q2 c7 W- G. ]+ ~' [! T
3天前,CJ发来一封调查信,是这么写的:- f; z v9 M+ _$ X
1 y! G7 t$ R; K& m
Commission Junction is currently investigating your account and has the following inquiries regarding your promotional methods:3 H8 D5 }% y) N# ]# u( B0 W
, U6 p6 a T: _. ]" Z! Y$ ~How do you promote CJ Advertisers? & K8 |1 _: P: y) Q# w( {7 w' ?* P, H. K1 S! j) c8 \. Z
Please reply to this inquiry within 5 days of the mailing date./ Y0 b$ C s. x/ }' q
& S/ c; O, E# k1 j& N
: u( Y& g% A: y6 \6 F' v+ K
3 t* I# L, k' A9 E然后我是这么回复的:& o J8 P' ~, M, b8 M
* z4 _" R! n0 o# QHi, sorry for the delay. According to your letter, I would like to give you a brief introduction of our business activities: 5 l- v4 o4 s; ?, v8 F$ X6 X+ u $ U! t6 h0 U2 Q* [XXXX.com is a online shopping coupons distribution site. Our main traffic comes from our Newsletter campaigns. Please See attached our pictures. We have a big opt-in Newsletter list based on “Daily deals” and "shopping" which is growing day by day. Through the latest coupons we get from the merchants’ emails, we send the latest or the most hot discount code to our subscribers according to their interests and lead them go back to XXXX.com. ) ]# g8 A1 h+ [4 }+ g- Q% e3 c* T
3 L& J/ E% g5 o% \2 C, B
5 R; J, `" F {结果CJ的最新回答是: 8 X8 H# T7 j! `5 D! B6 i* Z4 Z) a% \5 j
Thank you for the response but I am not asking about that account, I am asking about the promotional methods for the account ) S+ ], r, f: I6 D0 j, h' E3 g: [ 8 A1 F+ }: }2 ^ a! ? 7 s; b) m9 \) j6 e& A1 M 0 I# P5 ?7 x6 ?* D9 t不是很明白,CJ到底希望回答的是什么?哪位高人帮分析下? ) y. i9 }' a2 J3 d. y5 a+ m7 Q7 Q9 X : x) I& J2 ]2 p2 n3 Q: R 1 r6 t+ u0 t: G# N- b8 u; y: z' t. f; g6 {* Z
- s7 W/ y5 q5 Q- I' _+ [4 U