昨天发了那个帖子以后就跑去后台提交了个ticket$ i: k9 d4 g' G: m0 G& P
又怕被CJ中国回复,我特别说明 我要美国总部来回复我. $ c0 F% U, k7 ]5 I$ T+ }9 h结果几个小时以后就收到了回复.这边截取重要的一段给大家看一下. + F; w- g7 Y' y. j+ x0 ?5 k% l0 M) |" w! W6 w6 F
3 V% w, Y9 Q1 G) g; N' yAs this is the first month of payments being sent in RMB there have been unexpected delays. We apologize for the inconvenience of this. Please monitor your bank account with patience as it can take a couple of days for it to post in your account. 9 G/ S0 i, m0 k T$ D) A2 i$ o: c7 Y3 k: a
7 k( x7 L; Y* g. g% p! S% ^/ ~所以还是说我们可以期待下这个月付款的,ps 总部的态度比CJ中国态度不知道好多少倍 6 U: K' x( [0 H- X! a/ f ( [1 m& Z9 z+ L. O% `6 _, k4 q