发表于 2013-5-28 12:06:42
6 \3 t9 z0 b: l9 l6 ZDear ******,You received a call from phone number 12024558888, Country United States on your Virtual Phone Line Number 15672635774 at TIME: 27-May-2013 22:25:27 GMT.We apologize for the inconvenience, but the call was not transferred to you because your account is suspended at this time.Please login to your account, and check your invoices and clear your dues.Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.Virtual Phone Line Servicevirtualphoneline.com - Be Anywhere !!Telephone: +1-567-251-1111Skype: VirtualPhoneLineMSN/Yahoo/Gtalk: [email protected] Chat: Login from your account and click live chat
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