I request that you remove all copyrighted and/or trademarked material within 24 hours, otherwise I am required to disable your account. $ Q: x' O8 J* o6 o3 D1 [ " ?9 s( i- e( @: `9 JThe DMCA requires our company to promptly remove the alleged infringing material. You have a right under the DMCA to provide us with a Counter Notification. If a Counter Notification is received, then the material can be reinstated unless we receive notice of a court injection having been filed. + I5 d* ]& d% c, S8 @+ k ( l/ y1 D \( |# W- I- D9 O
Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.+ Y: _4 W+ j3 h+ s+ E2 Z
这是主机商的要求,话说账户中止了会退款吗?" C) C" X/ y0 b, ~7 P
' ?0 l5 ]* }( u1 m l下载地址是空的,返回一个404页面。! X3 h9 Y$ K! ?& e
不过估计只对下载资源站有点作用。+ A% ?. e. s# F. j: k
你不可能因为我写篇文章介绍你的xxx资源也算侵犯版权吧。 8 [1 A, o* I) B1 h4 k4 o8 M0 H