本帖最后由 abestdomain 于 2013-5-19 23:38 编辑 4 M4 _8 ]' E2 I& H: ~ * C6 w* J* T2 e: O9 ]0 \看到另外一个帖子【正规也悲剧-mobile media buy】,我估计yeahmobi的很多affiliate更悲剧。 & n. Z& ^# m- T6 Z * L1 f" b6 A- Z6 Q比如1月份跑binbit的affiliate,当时收到的邮件内容如下:$ X [. q {9 l
1 m/ d3 o4 z1 M/ B
We are sorry to tell you that there’s some technical issue with the Binbit offers from Jan 12th to Jan 14th. The advertiser said they were hacked anonymously (PS, the problem has been solved now), there was a huge increase on conversion due to this issue and they cannot differentiate with the real conversion with the fake ones. So we had to hold the revenue for Jan 12th to Jan 14th until it is solved. We are negociating with advertiser and will try to get as much commission as we can. Sorry for about the inconvenience and thanks for your kind understanding.
, L& z2 U6 g! T2 U. {* K& S) h2 R
yeahmobi是真hold住,现在已经整整过了四个月了,还没有解决?中间问过几次什么时候发钱,AM说再跑点量就能发,结果跑了一阵子还是没发。不得不吐槽下,其他联盟在offer没有通知的情况下挂掉,都会主动补钱的,只希望yeahmobi快点把之前扣的钱发了。 : b+ I5 R* [, T: W$ }. r1 c0 u% i9 [% u0 {2 C
其他被扣钱的affiliate看到请顶帖!谢谢! / v* C9 B5 M5 C- f% B7 f& h" O, p2 g* z) G* D/ \ 【更新】yeahmobi的声明我看了,别的部分我不管,但是binbit的问题绝对是扯淡! ( Q6 ?; m. U: N. N" n+ c * ?/ o" }! ^5 m我发这个帖子,纯粹是看了另外一个兄弟的帖子才临时想写的,我才是清者自清! |- k% z K* J* p' z7 [2 S2 A9 Q H$ p9 E: g
我在收到上面的邮件之后,4个多月的时间里再没有收到过关于binbit问题的邮件,这是不是事实?8 ~. K8 y# o( Y2 F+ z% s! d
4 L& V" h' J- ]# B如果我不发这个帖子,你们会把联系的邮件主动发出来看吗?, c+ y9 f. [4 y# m
, r7 S4 i( @+ N" S再说,你发出谈判的邮件来,不正是说明你们谈判水平不行吗?/ r; q- b0 m. b$ Z% }
* ]; U$ `9 o+ I5 r
4个月的时间都没搞定,让正规跑的人都蒙受损失!你们还有理了? / S. ?% i; F" ?+ n( Y7 o5 v# P6 X/ d
一个“我们只能够这个处理”就是你们的态度?9 \, T& Q" s9 y( w
" d8 N% o8 { u- l/ x, z+ I
解决这个问题很难吗?affiliate都有自己的追踪系统,你们联盟也有数据,我就纳闷了,怎么就判断不出来是真假转化? 7 _( p6 a9 I4 U0 _/ f$ {. p8 E/ i " `9 w. t1 l& C4 B8 X至于你们所谓的赔偿方法和更好的解决办法,纯粹是为了保障你们自己的利益,3 d8 l8 f# B+ z W, m