本帖最后由 jq8778 于 2013-4-30 02:18 编辑 % Y+ y& V! T5 j! V
( A8 W, F# K. x& Y) d
Thanks for contacting CJ. 8 {% R2 Q+ _" k5 N+ z5 v' J2 w Y+ F6 d6 ~* ]I understand you have got XXX commission due by nowl, that will be paid to you in May pay out round. The reason is CJ China has launched already in April, RMB is the only currency we are going to pay for China based publishers. However as CJ system is in the final stage of integrating RMB as payment currency it will take another a few weeks to get everything ready and switch all China based publishers to the new upgraded system. ' V( {$ }3 }/ V( h8 w# w i9 X
7 ~( E! u: h- `7 @6 y2 M3 `2 p0 ~# dI apologise for all the inconvenience this may have brought to you, but once the automated system start working you will be able receive pay-out on time, every month between the 20th and the end of the month.+ L# N+ F3 r* R. ?
! Z" X! l0 \6 `0 a/ {& M" ?3 L
Please bear in mind, the closingdate of every month is on the 11th, in order to get your payment please make sure your information is updated before the 11th.5 i' ]7 W6 P% X) W9 Q
) i9 v2 u( x' y, G 几人欢喜几人忧,我觉得还是喜忧参半的,结汇问题绝对解决了,不过税务神马的,你懂的...! g" f6 v+ H5 U: G% e7 Q
↑Note: If you select and/or elect to receive RMB as your currency and/or China as your country, you must be a properly registered and/or certified Chinese entity that enters into the appropriate Publisher Service Agreement with Commission Junction (Shanghai) Advertising Co., Ltd. during this signup process. If it is discovered that you are not a properly registered Chinese entity, you may be subject to immediate termination, charge-backs, and other actions, as determined by Commission Junction.
刚看了下CJ的后台,支付设置界面下出现了这个,CJ这是想搞啥呢 . I& z! m# @* f, x7 A