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发表于 2013-4-20 19:49:23
7 t9 ?" h+ m) A; X% HUltimate
6 |$ w1 r9 b" z% XCookie Stuffing* W2 A) @- r5 R+ _6 W& j) u! `% F% T7 a
: h5 ^& y- p8 ~3 dv.3
+ p* t6 r( X1 t! a0 b2 e: [' RDISCLAIMER:
3 x' w X1 M D& @7 R; ~4 P# v2 U*** I give you this material for information purposes only. How and where you use
! M: H2 B. G5 c9 h! b& O% R+ jthem are at your own will and I am not and cannot be liable for the actions that7 j6 W" s' v3 l0 D; H- C ^
you take. ****2 V; D: B) b0 H3 v4 r) ^
**** This method/script is considered blackhat hat, and you assume all
! ^) N( x R- M: c" [8 Bresponsibility on how you choose to use this information ****0 r$ W; m* Q* [4 G- ?) D
**** Please also be aware that since this is information and digital, there are no! |) o/ G+ P8 |0 L4 t- k+ ^6 j- v& T
refunds at any time since it cannot be returned ****, o. N+ F G8 }7 l7 ~+ P( H; I; n, }
9 k0 P! V j2 t. K* T( }SKYPE ID: IINTENSE' H3 b7 S6 i% X% ?7 S {6 X
What is Cookie Stuffing:1 r6 @% r Q; C @) }9 L0 b' d
Cookie stuffing (also cookie dropping) is a blackhat online marketing technique used to generate
. ^! z0 f) Z9 M. j/ }; uaffiliate sales. Cookie stuffing occurs when a user visits a website and as a result of that visit receives a
0 X* ~4 I2 n6 {+ t5 ` T. O& Nthird-party cookie from an entirely different website (the target affiliate website), usually without the user1 c- S6 J' W7 @5 W+ J
being aware of it. When (if) the user visits the target website and completes a qualifying transaction, the0 f& z" b+ @& w5 e
cookie stuffer is paid a commission. Depending on the terms of the affiliate agreement a qualifying0 R9 w3 e6 g8 h6 L; B% I o
transaction may refer to creating an account, making a purchase, completing an application (loan, credit,
: z- H6 }% r) d2 w7 w. Q4 ]* Jetc.), or subscribing to a newsletter.
' ~; z. i- U1 T3 w- U" T# VThe purpose of the script is to allow you to artificially load cookies on to other people's# h! C' T [% d9 Y; ]
browsers in the effort to generate affiliate revenue when they make their next purchase.3 Z2 f1 v" M1 G8 R6 o0 V0 L. @/ e
This script will allow you to show a clean referrer to your affiliate network while at the# V4 f/ S r3 k) C, y! F- R& R
same time being able to cookie stuff from just about anywhere without being tracked.8 |5 {) {4 @: D) ]% A' x
How it works:
) Y) c( F# q2 yYou will need 2 sites in order to successfully cookie stuff.0 U+ e9 O# m# J
1. Your Clean Site/ i( x A B4 Z3 i- Q! ~9 T
2. Your Stuffing Site8 a6 W& V6 z: i* N9 X6 S
The purpose of having two sites is so that if an affiliate network decides that# Z4 u2 g$ s7 ?# w8 f/ ?
they want to do a manual review of your site, it will show up clean and you won't have
9 t( O7 c4 Z5 r' i0 F# s' Aany issues. So your clean site will be a normal site WITHOUT any cookie stuffing.
. f! _0 i( F1 Z/ N9 f8 KThis is the website that you tell the affiliate networks that you will be using. The
8 T. r# c7 ~8 h1 u5 J$ z( @stuffing site can be any site that you want. It could be a web 2.0 site such as blogger, or
& T5 I# _! D* Iit could be another web property that you own. You are not limited to how many+ L. _$ j! {5 v
stuffing sites that you have. You could have 10 stuffing sites and 100 blogger blogs if7 |; Y C5 |0 P8 f7 A
you wanted to.& E* w c' P" u! W
Your clean site will be where all of the files are stored. These won't be detectable since
1 [- A! J( W% i5 D3 J: qthey are in PHP, but you will need them on the server of your clean site so that when
1 l6 D- ^( }) ryou stuff it will show the referrer of the clean site./ n9 v8 u! j" R; `( }/ L
Once you have the files uploaded, there is no installation or database uploads. All you
/ I9 h! P1 z- o4 z" c1 {have to do is place a simple iframe into any site that you want to use to stuff the traffic./ [4 w! g& C1 P( z" T
Here is iframe:
* m# C( w6 u. z0 o2 L<iframe frameborder="0" height="1" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"
' l- O8 Y: S7 b9 O0 Rscrolling="no" src="http://YOUR-CLEAN-URL.com" width="1"></iframe>: K6 Q6 W# |3 G' D1 N" A
Basicly what we will be doing is sending traffic to our clean site using the iframe. The X! I4 H# ^* Z. _& v
clean site then recognizes this and changes the referrer and then redirects to the7 ^, K" {& n$ W5 ?# n2 B) i" `+ Z
destinations which would be the affiliate link.
: f. T$ m$ z5 c& t. P5 PFor example.# I7 Q; F Y$ e7 d* a. R1 E) w
+ C" l- P" m+ P6 ?. z/ Q' RThis script calls your clean site, changes the referrer to yours, and then redirects the
. D1 D4 ^; G! I! Vuser to the affiliate link.
! J3 f& ]$ ]4 S2 S$ b" g- `' Z6 ZHere is the link URL:# p4 Q8 Q$ t* M
http://hidethis.co/?url=http://affiliate-link.com&referer=http://your-cleansite.1 o& a' v7 F( f) }+ Q' [
com/whateverpage.php7 ~0 O; o* }0 { ]6 y) H; q
Test It!1 @, T E9 h- N
7 z% K! \, |: a- e0 h$ [url=http://www.whatismyreferer.com&referer=http://blackhatmail.com/page.php2 k/ Q) J9 g6 C# ?6 q3 P& ?6 U
You can see that it uses a private server that we created (hidethis.co), your browser then
/ [7 u) I; r; k6 G; breads the command to redirect to your affiliate link using the referrer that you gave.
$ W9 ^+ J4 Q/ l2 uPlease be aware that your page.php script MUST be in place in order for your link to
9 T c! e# F( ?* i& w' r" rwork8 v6 J/ N v, W, j% p" I
For an iframe, you would then use the link like this:1 F) m# i" d, ~8 T- i
<iframe frameborder="0" height="1" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"
2 ?: y+ a4 B6 z/ D. Yscrolling="no" src="http://hidethis.co/?url=http://affiliatelink.
1 x3 A4 C R4 }% E6 U9 `0 C5 xcom&referer=http://your-clean-site.com/whateverpage.php" width="1"></iframe>3 i" N1 I; a; B/ v& V4 n' q
Place that anywhere on your stuffing site(s) you want. I would recommend to place it6 v( W( o$ h$ x$ J2 ` B
within the <head></head> area so that it is the first thing to load. Now, every time) f2 w$ d& @$ u# [, \4 H7 j0 v/ @
someone loads the page of your stuffing site, they will be stuffed with your affiliate- X; z% p) w( {$ C2 {% ~* ]
cookie – while at the same time the analytics to your affiliate will show that the traffic
6 y; s! x7 c' |- g, Ecame from your clean site.# @, g J$ [& D, A K8 U: {
Cool huh?
# D% b& m2 | Q8 n1 Upage.php:& B2 D* H1 ~2 E X. Y
This script will go at the very top of your website page. Just copy and paste it. When a. h R: U j- X
you are cookie stuffing, make sure that the page is appropriate to the actual affiliate
+ b1 y. S' H% Vadvertisement. So that means have the content about the product and probably links or6 d# L8 M, s R2 Q! K* l& [
banners to the affiliate product with your regular affiliate link. This script like the
& V; @, [3 s0 S9 Bothers will go in your clean site. C( Y- O3 Y6 E! N+ a
If your stuffing for Amazon, then your page would probably be talking about something( ?8 y% p" P# ]3 z
like the Kindle Fire with banner ads of the Kindle Fire on the page. The page has to
2 h- |0 D* a7 U+ I s3 klook legit – as if it were a normal site that is actually getting large amounts of traffic.
0 S; |2 H" B8 _# |You would then make your iframe url relect the page like /kindlefire
4 u/ } u W( c1 ?) _1 fFor example: http://hidethis.co/?url=http://affiliate-link.com&referer=http://yourclean-
; ^; r1 k/ e8 H( @/ @/ V6 Dsite.com/kindlefire: g2 ^6 t6 P( d; h2 |# y
, H7 d2 \" b2 H3 G% @1 yThis script will randomize the pages. So if your clean site is an amazon store, you are
& z; C$ \! o4 P, @( Iable to randomize which pages are shown as the referrer. Just change the link1, link2," s8 @ |6 m" C# `0 t1 Y$ Y
link3...etc with your stuffing link and then in the iframe place the direct link to the: s, k% Z4 ~: K8 [# X. T$ C! s) A) F
random.php page.& W. w0 I+ Y' E" L! I, N
Stuffing Link Example: link1 = http://hidethis.co/?url=http://affiliatelink.5 u5 g2 |$ f8 }2 V0 v! C# g
com&referer=http://your-clean-site.com/kindlefire6 B3 q& U+ p2 \* L
Direct Link Example: http://your-clean-site.com/random.php" o. a6 s( H, I/ Z' Q$ o
<iframe frameborder="0" height="1" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"
( x7 i; Z1 E' x0 P& Bscrolling="no" src="http://your-clean-site.com/random.php" width="1"></iframe>0 R# o8 h, N; A( L9 r+ S
randomiframe.php' c! Z/ z2 \6 l
This isn't an actual PHP script, but rather javascript and won't be used on your clean
( I- {6 V& i- x+ t& k: T$ R2 _) |0 Qsite. It's meant to randomize iframes for your stuffing sites such as web 2.0 sites and4 o( T6 @9 O. N' ?2 o
your own web properties. All you have to do is change frame1, frame2, frame3...etc
/ j% P4 w/ d9 G6 p1 K4 U( Lwith your stuffing link.
( X( e8 `3 T3 ~' q# V2 HExample:' u$ Z0 I5 p2 H' w2 j1 X9 Z' K+ k( h# U
randomcontent[0]="http://hidethis.co/?url=http://affiliate-link.com&referer=http://yourclean-6 T! ?. _7 E3 D
site.com/kindlefire"3 {0 i; p0 a# B
2 {2 P% H2 I- O8 P9 q; B. osite.com/kindlefire"
2 X& A9 t% I5 _1 i& W0 Erandomcontent[2]="http://hidethis.co/?url=http://affiliate-link.com&referer=http://yourclean-) [1 ~; N8 H) Z
! \! _( ]! m9 T. crandomcontent[3]="http://hidethis.co/?url=http://affiliate-link.com&referer=http://yourclean-
. M8 ~6 }7 u7 n3 p$ Vsite.com/kindlefire"% Y# C5 @: V8 i" N" B
You can see how each new frame begins with randomcontent[##]=
: N/ U4 w. w7 rYou can add or remove as many as you want. If you add more than six, just add a new" A) B+ ?. r t2 w$ D( S G3 u
number to the code, such as: randomcontent[7]=
& r! L) h" k0 [- F. Ireferreriframe.php
; s5 X% ?2 M! [ S$ dThis script allows you to set a referrer for your cookie stuffing. For example, if you+ R0 T2 V: C Q" w
only want to stuff people coming from Facebook, then everytime someone from
7 E& N1 b1 y" A% D' J. I+ JFacebook enters your site, they will be stuffed with a specified cookie – while everyone
% E( m* ^+ ?% y/ X) e3 ~5 Q, Kelse will be stuffed with either another cookie or none at all.4 C( y. z( F7 [5 I. Y2 ~# u9 ^ _
To edit this file, you just change the url from "ABC123.com/index.html" to whatever
* J1 N h) {7 s2 f4 y3 U1 b2 S- Kreferrer you would like, such as "facebook.com"
6 q1 @3 \- [, [# L, lIf you want more than 1 referrer to be checked, you can add if by simply including an& C& v* S7 J6 @8 U0 z
additional “if” statement like so:
- X9 @* ?, a& z: w<?php: O8 ^- \2 H6 X B. R) Y* l0 I0 P! a" \
$referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
" m7 y* P* p$ G* @' y6 A9 Xif(strstr($referer,"ABC123.com/index.html"))
7 N* T9 w( G% V. s/ K9 [- B/ ^6 G{ ?>- ?, r, o3 q0 d3 n- }6 T! S4 k4 S
<iframe frameborder="0" height="1" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no"
; z9 i5 f, H ^' ]src="http://your-stuffing-link.com" width="1"></iframe>9 u# H4 I- i. M4 z
<?php }' T8 a U3 r& O, H+ x ^% U+ M1 o
if(strstr($referer,"ABC123.com/index.html"))6 c+ y9 ]' E" h. T$ k
{ ?>
8 \3 Y4 ^. j# |7 W<iframe frameborder="0" height="1" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"
/ c' V6 G8 H) X6 W8 Y% H' Tscrolling="no" src="http://your-stuffing-link.com" width="1"></iframe>
' D5 m z5 F0 I/ B9 O<?php }$ ? U5 O6 |* _
else { ?>
) n) g+ X6 ^: m: o<iframe frameborder="0" height="1" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no"
4 ~( r% u3 V: `% i* _! F6 bsrc="http://your-stuffing-link.com" width="1"></iframe>
4 D6 e) t- R1 n }8 E/ E<?php } ?>
1 B c6 _0 r3 R& sThere are multiple ways to do this, you can also redirect the visitor if you wanted like
4 _# e4 v0 ?2 k* qso:
" J) Y3 b9 R$ Z1 W* X! u<?
9 S4 i2 F# J6 p% k$referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];* ~9 |. i5 o4 b, P; w
if (preg_match("/YOUR-WEBSITE.com\/page3.php/",$referrer)) {
: \+ t# Q7 h O4 R) dheader('Location: http://www.SHORT-URL.com');
- ^ w' Y3 d3 l9 G+ l7 B9 E- u} elseif (preg_match("/facebook.com/",$referrer)) {2 B7 T3 ^7 @3 v' Y
header('Location: http://www.YOUR-WEBSITE.com/page1.php');
( l6 k7 l# B! E( D2 ^6 L} else (preg_match("",$referrer)) {" Q. J8 C9 _5 B2 g
header('Location: http://www.SHORT-URL.com');
' r% _7 f k3 [. ~}; ?>; N4 s: p8 d- Z7 ~" E3 A
Conclusion:* S) f/ J9 B: v, i
After you get all of the files uploaded, it's really quite simple to start stuffing. Just
. j }3 }! [& Cchoose which affiliate offers you want to promote, create a site or page that is “clean”
8 a' J5 c/ X$ Lto show the affiliate network, and then place a simple iframe into any other web 2.0 or
% K9 V2 w3 W" k- `web property you own, and everything after that is automatic!
# l& v5 D! {& o& M/ @" k$ }6 cOther Things Included:
+ ]& \ D: g- _/ J" i7 x• cpaclickz geo-redirection script! u# V0 t' y" |8 p6 p# ~
• instantmillionaire.pdf0 m) ]' E- }) ^! n
• ModernCookieStuffing.pdf
8 m: f8 n1 a# ]/ v1 |8 e• under.js
1 s9 R3 ~* z5 y1 A4 _/ ACPAClickz Script: This is a geo-redirection script/site. You can test out a working copy
, P, l9 ~, \1 H7 P4 jat either cpahits.org or cpaclickz.com' m- m8 C: k! x% o8 M4 F
InstantMillionaire.pdf: This guide shows you how to use web 2.0 properties to build5 n% Y) R% t0 `6 _) D7 W, t
rankings AND cookie stuff at the same time., y g+ \: [$ k+ t2 \+ ^, J- t1 r
ModernCookieStuffing.pdf: This guide outlines a multitude of unique ways to do offsite
4 H; [" x& x( M$ @) g$ Ycookie stuffing.
. a9 ~5 u7 G' {6 q1 B" J5 v0 {Under.js: This is a pop-under script. Just edit where is says “blackhatx.com” with your9 w8 l$ Q, k2 A* i! I
cookie stuffing link. To add it to a website, just do a javascript call...like so:& Y4 e& G$ ]8 c1 `3 y# r
<script type="text/javascript" src="/under.js"></script>
% c1 y3 i/ W* U5 V' k |