发表于 2013-3-17 13:05:07
5 {/ a/ E$ ~" ^1 [. z3 {! khttp://www.freelancer.com/work/writer-needed/% X, S8 c/ i! m4 a* q
^# Q/ }' G8 U0 Y
I need a NATIVE English writer to write 100 articles for me in 20 days.
. U7 }8 y/ j- p* S" g e4 b2 C7 q! AArticles word lenght would be 500 words. Some articles may have less or more words but at the end you must have completed 100*500 words.
5 O( H- a! ]; ^6 A+ d
3 {" N) h' k& b; a3 wI will create the first milestone for the first 20 articles.+ v7 i& J* v1 c9 F7 D) c
Important: The selected writer must have to write atleast two articles daily or 5 articles in three days. If someone fails to provide me the work on this agreed time I will not pay for any work.
: X: C( x- l) Y8 t: p5 E: m! z; w3 ?* d- z# n3 `, u( V
Topics: The articles topics can be health, finance, Traveling or Technology related. Sometimes the articles can be about relationships, Internet, and automobiles related.4 r) b% r: E4 i& p9 z, s
" o( `/ G$ Z) m* Z3 B& N; dMy Budget: I am ready to pay $150 to $200 for this task. All I need is good English without any grammar and other issues.
# N7 m! _$ @4 \' KMy Budget: I am ready to pay $150 to $200 for this task. All I need is good English without any grammar and other issues. Please do not bid irrationally if you bid more than 200USD I will consider the 250SUD bid for 125 articles.Also I will not answer the question related to bid price.) e& V: K+ `& B5 k
5 c6 @* ]8 ?3 H1 a7 r0 J
8 W3 E8 l' ~4 [4 S) s, ]Hi, I am in need of a freelancer who knows how to write the articles perfectly using good English.
0 H% V. z' |2 o
- x4 a6 x7 v1 m ~& [Writer must have good experience in writing good quality and readable articles. , Y3 q6 y7 v4 G! U
# e/ r! Y# U0 bThe writers must be able to produce high quality, 100% grammatical error free, plagiarism free and Copyscape pass content.: \; a. P8 y. K n$ K( w' u0 c
& D1 w1 \' q7 m' b/ ZI will pay $1.50 for 500 words.
" j# \/ C5 R; U9 q3 X* k2 d
1 B4 x1 T- @& u# k& v, D' s; s: N) { YWriter must be able to communicate via Gmail) I) u# {. }; J
+ J% ^; K A5 `; O' `
The writers must be able to meet deadline.
, b% P, \6 p7 v4 U
$ z* o' [+ i$ V- |) I! EWriters must be able to deliver at least 2500 words per day.7 x6 U# g* E9 Z- \9 d8 A4 O7 g- m
4 k1 }+ C- m1 ^
Bid on this project with previous sample.# R, V4 [4 x4 F; T3 A2 ~. I5 e
% W" K6 P, ?( o" nThis will be a long term project for months( }- o V! j; C) W$ s
& y1 a1 E1 Y4 V1 E: q# |
Writer must be able start work right away.
- U+ J5 W5 C' P! ]. u5 ?. a7 y
! s+ A2 X' K+ Y. Y- U% HI will select the writer today(within next 5 hours) and continue using him/her for all my future tasks. So, bid fast.& m0 M. U' ^$ K
8 A# p4 w/ ~ C$ i* @" z