本帖最后由 vickii 于 2017-6-14 18:03 编辑
. g: r7 i& a+ Q% c: r j% L" P3 c, B9 I4 u0 [2 A
5 O; Y: q, y- M' y7 h跑offer又开始头疼了?Finch 说要放弃CPA, 但是看过他博客的人都知道他十多年在CPA赚了很多钱,他说这行还是不错的,不过也因为已经做十年了想试其他的。很多人问其他大牛 (国内外都有)CPA真的挂掉了吗?大牛们回答并没有啊。
7 R& @0 i# Q+ W6 H2 u. b, `
你是因为什么开始放弃或者怀疑CPA offer 的?听说电商钱多就换电商,FB黑五最近势头不错所以都切过去,最后把所有都尝试个遍都还没有一个可以深入而坚定不移的领域。不能够长期也很难scale,up and down很刺激,但是没人想隔几天就过山车。
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我的一个圈外人朋友Jason用CPA的形式在几个月的时间内为他的产品众筹到了220万美元。他在硅谷密探直播完后来找我,迫不及待的向我展示他的测试产品和数据。用的平台是adespresso, 里面的功能和界面voluum差太远了。他教我他是怎么测试广告效果然后最高峰时花2000流量费收获10W美元。
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6 U1 H j0 N) v6 {+ t言归正传!怎么跑订阅offer?
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; |& n$ S* h2 X; A/ Pl 针对性投放 因为是通过运营商收费,所以Wi-Fi会比较麻烦都需要输入手机号验证,可以尽量避免Wi-Fi流量。
5 w* g8 j4 a" g& T2 f$ N+ il 避免推送的流量(push traffic) 很多推送的内容我们都是在Wi-Fi情况下才也许可能看。
& @+ R/ U! O% u" Bl 比方说,我选择在德国跑一个offer,允许安卓手机从两个运营商Telekom和Vodafone来的流量。根据Ad network, 我通常会设置两个分开的campaign(每个运营商一个,阻止WIFI)。虽然你可能不会收到多少平板电脑的流量,但是如果您有选择,我建议您阻止他们。 我喜欢从一开始就分离这些运营商的原因是因为它们可能都有不同的转化过程。 如果沃达丰对我来说很好,Telekom根本就没有转换,我只能暂停Telekom,并专注于Vodafone的campaign。 7 Z2 J/ J' l9 h1 e" q2 G
l 第三方追踪平台 Mobit to 去追踪运营商。 Mobit and similar trackcarriers automatically using 3rd party databases that look up the IP addressand match it to the ISP/Carrier name. Note that different traffic vendors may usetheir own Database or another database so it is always recommended to captureCarrier Macros if available with your traffic source. If macros are availableuse those to optimize, as they will match the targeting available with the adnetwork better than any third party data. If the advertiser can provide IPranges, those will be even more accurate.
; U' t n, w" cl Landing pages In the past,mobile content offers used to perform well just direct linked. Although theystill convert direct linked, affiliates have gotten creative and started usingpre landing pages to increase their conversion rates.
! \& E$ C% I1 S$ }3 J- YFor example,“System Scan” types of landing pages work well for antivirus/battery mobilecontent offers. “Promo” or “You have a chance to win” landing pages adoptedfrom the web work well for Win iPad/iPhone content offers. “Quiz” landing pagesmight work well for fortune offers. The list goes on and on. If you can find aunique angle for a mobile content offer, get ready to print some money.
. v) i7 a1 q; v. O3 @l 为什么你应该跑订阅offer - EasyConversions – One-click/Two-click flows allow for seamless subscriptions. - High Payouts –The payouts for mobile content offers are generally higher than any otheroffers you’ll find for that geo. ) n t' d. m+ M' c/ e6 z2 G
- Global Scale –You can find mobile content offers in lots of geos. Carrier traffic can be verycheap in some of these countries… LATAM and Asia are two markets that aregrowing currently.
- M( G3 U% Q j* h' a8 r: U- Creativity –You have a lot more room for creativity in terms of pre-landers, banners, etc.Make sure to have your creative pre approved with your account manager toensure payment and compliance.
' G, ]) L) }1 r" g8 [! m* X- Exclusivity – It’s difficult for your competition to steal yourcampaigns/placements because spy toolscan’t pick them up when targeting specific carriers. 7 N5 i, W2 S- n" ~* L. W
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- Endless Scale – Mobile content offers don’t have the samebudgeting restrictions you see with app installs, lead gens, etc. Unlimitedbudgets allow for unlimited scale.
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授人以鱼不如授人以渔。我常把这行和金融做比较,可以在闭着眼睛的时候大起大落。但是也像金融一样,掌握的秘密技巧越多,钱就会翻滚着来。金融里想往上层爬就要考CFA, 全英文的金融知识考试,同理我们这行也是一样虽然不用考试但是建议培养看英文资料的习惯和能力。 原因有如下几点:1. 外来物,在天朝发展还很新然而海外已经相对成熟,学习自然是用他人之语言。 2. 翻译的速度比不上世界行业优秀人才更新的速度和广度 3. 你可以比英文有障碍或者偏爱看中文的同行快好几倍速度掌握秘密。(懒得翻译 -。-)
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Affiliate Marketing Forum
1 H$ B% v+ \- ?; q2 G" dhttp://www.affiliatefix.com
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