Google’s Matt Cutts On Upcoming Penguin, Panda & Link Networks Updates8 M, s2 a/ H' T7 n+ s; @, Z
& A- Y1 n2 Y7 r" y2 S$ hGoogle’s head of search spam, Matt Cutts, announced new updates with Google’s Penguin and Panda algorithms and new link network targets in 2013. Matt announced this during the SMX West panel, The Search Police.( @2 |+ F+ b5 f
Significant Penguin Update : Y: d& i8 t7 q3 s 6 `! [, k$ Q4 h2 VMatt said that there will be a large Penguin update in 2013 that he thinks will be one of the more talked about Google algorithm updates this year. Google’s search quality team is working on a major update to the Penguin algorithm, which Cutts called very significant. 2 J& ?% n; m: I. Y. J% r ! }9 U* O9 f' xThe last Penguin update we have on record was Penguin 3 in October 2012. Before that, we had Penguin 2 in May 2012 and the initial release in April. ) c/ _7 y) W/ s: Z: c4 } j. ?. I, K2 `
So, expect a major Penguin release that may send ripples through the SEO industry this year.! o; h1 w7 I: y2 P" X/ L" P( R
A Panda Update Coming This Friday Or Monday & a3 @& b4 E! h5 S% S3 I2 J4 g 9 d7 k0 j2 V/ H8 @8 F l/ }) sMatt also announced there will be a Panda algorithm update this coming Friday (March 15th) or Monday (March 18th). The last Panda update was version 24 on January 22nd, which is one of the longer spans of time between Panda refreshes we’ve seen in a long time./ Z8 h% Z# M& N, P! }% l7 X
Another Link Network Targeted $ u. W+ s" \9 q: f6 ~/ m& \. Z& X, v* |; v- G& Z3 i$ C0 o
Matt Cutts confirmed that Google targeted a link network a couple weeks ago, and said Google will go after more in 2013. In fact, Matt said that they will release another update in the next week or two that specifically targets another large link network.
预计本周五或下周一GOOGLE算法新一轮更新,不知到时是什么结果 : o3 W$ [# H' a; `. @( s0 t6 t6 g# N! A
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