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AdsBridge Updates!









Rank: 2

发表于 2016-12-1 00:10:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
We've updated once again, and there are lots of new functions! Enjoy!

The possibility to add your own favicon onto your Landing Page.
Will now Possible to BE IT Personal favicons Within the Add at The Visual Editor and the HTML Landing Page that Will BE Shown upon Transfer to your Landing Pages.  Http://
In order upload your favicon into the editor, it is necessary to upload the file with the name 'favicon' in ico, png, or svg format.
In order that your favicon functions properly in all browsers, it is necessary to upload it in all three formats.
[img=0,640]对不起,我们不允许远程图片. 请将图片上传到论坛

The issue with Facebook prefetching has been resolved.
This display dissimilarity between the 'impressions' and 'clicks' the data before AdsBridge.
AdsBridge now filters visits made when the banner is being displayed, thus making Facebook tracking precise and transparent. Now the number of unique clicks on Facebook coincides with the number of unique visits to AdsBridge with the dissimilarity being within a few percentage points.

We have added a "hide funnel" option for jumps created in the AdsBridge editor.
New new function has been added the A to STEP at The First Creation of Campaign It android.permission you to hide and funnel on Networks Jump Pages from the In the Order of an activate to the this function, you need to SELECT at The 'ON' Option-here Wallpaper:.. ( HTTP: // WWW / T / 716xVMZMQg ) and the Enter at The Link All the traffic to Which Will BE Sent the without Verification.
NOTE: This function allows you to hide jump-pages created within our visual or HTML editor. It will not work with self-hosted landing pages.
[img=0,193]对不起,我们不允许远程图片. 请将图片上传到论坛

We have added a proxy traffic detection function.
In the bot-filter section we have added the option 'proxy detect'.
Turning on this function will separate all proxy traffic, and will count it as bot traffic (this information will be able to be seen within your statistics), as moderators and bots often used proxies to track your funnel. These groups of traffic will then be Sent to a default path set within your campaign.
NOTE: The functionality of this option will not be affected by the switching-on / off of the bot filter.
[img=0,379]对不起,我们不允许远程图片. 请将图片上传到论坛

We've made the bot-filter easier to understand.
Of the Appearance at The BOT-at The Page has been REDONE the filter, and the filter at The BOT-Settings have have been at The First STEP Placed in Campaign of Creation. Http://
[img=0,258]对不起,我们不允许远程图片. 请将图片上传到论坛

There is now no subdomain limit for domains purchased through AdsBridge.
After purchasing a domain through AdsBridge, you are now able to add an unlimited amount of subdomains to the domain. This can now all be done independently, without consulting support. To do so, choose the 'purchased' option in the domain addition pop- up, and the Enter subdomain to A at The Domain Within the drop-Down List.
[img=0,278]对不起,我们不允许远程图片. 请将图片上传到论坛

New OS / browser specifications added:
In OS, browser specifications the options 'higher than' and 'lower than' have been added. These options regard to the version of OS or browser.
To set up this specification, you will need to choose the option 'higher than / lower than' in the 'Conditions' field, and then enter in the OS / browser version you desire.
[img=0,132]对不起,我们不允许远程图片. 请将图片上传到论坛

New FAQs!
. We have have OUT Updated Frequently Asked Questions Database by You Will BE able to the Find Them by clicking here Wallpaper:
[img=0,48]对不起,我们不允许远程图片. 请将图片上传到论坛

Paths added:
Have have added We 'Paths' to at The 'Active in the offer campaigns' POP-up, for Comfort.                             Http://
[img=0,250]对不起,我们不允许远程图片. 请将图片上传到论坛

Empty useragent option added:
AN have have added We 'userAgent the include empty' at The Option-INTO the traffic Distribution's Specifications. Http://
[img=0,140]对不起,我们不允许远程图片. 请将图片上传到论坛

New double left-click feature:
Now in all sections of the 'Manage' sections, you may get to statistics by simply double left-clicking.

Planned Updates:
Addition of split paths.
The addition of graphics to the statistics.
Global update of the device base.
The addition of a 'Stream' function.
The development of API for our users.
Manual cost update for all users.
The addition of charts to the main dashboard. This visualization will allow you to see the dynamics of changes to key indicators. When available, you'll be able to open this graphic by clicking the button 'Chart'.

Have a great rest of your week!- The AdsBridge Team

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