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[分享] 2016年新手起步的文章好少,搬砖一个回来看看









Rank: 2



发表于 2016-11-18 10:05:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
搬砖一个博客,觉得对我们小白级新手起步很有用,老鸟就不用看了,全英文版,自己找翻译工具翻译一下6 o5 m$ K' O: _. e7 L" x1 _) B
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There are 2 types of people that will read my blog.
  • The ones who read everything, comment and ask questions, but never do anything.
  • The ones who decide to take action ASAP.3 {% y! w% F8 v7 P7 Q4 R+ S
The second group is going to get results and learn mobile performance marketing a lot faster than the rest. Even if they don’t read each one of the articles I write.
Because to become successful at one thing, you need to do it. And to be good at it, you need to take action and fail several times. This quick start page is crafted for action takers (A.K.A. the ones who’ll make money, AK.A. YOU!).
If you want to get started ASAP and launch your first mobile campaign before the end of the week, here’s what you need. Let me guide you step by step to get started and then you can learn from my posts and improve your campaigns to get profitable.
If you’re running CPA offers already you can skip steps 1-4 and go straight to point no.5.
Pro tip for starters: Bookmark this page.
Here’s what you need right now:
1. Money
Yes! Do make money you need money. How much? I’d say at least $500-1,000 to get started. $2,000 or more is highly recommended but you don’t need to have all that money at the beginning. So if you’ve got $500 or more you can get started.
Don’t have enough money? Get a job. Sell a few things. Save some money from avoiding clubs, trips and similar stuff for a few months. Do whatever you need to save those $500-2000 to get started and come back here to launch your first campaign. I know it sounds harsh but that’s what most people do. Don’t be foul and think that making money with mobile CPA offers is easy and that you’ll spend your first $100 and get back $500. That won’t happen.
2. A VPS account
Not a shared hosting account. Not a dedicated (unless you can afford it). A VPS is the sweet point to get started with mobile. You need fast load times to make sure your visits see your landers and click to your offers. A shared hosting can kill your ROI and a dedicated or a super fast VPS can improve it a little (I’ll release some tests about this later on my blog).
Many affiliates recommend Beyond Hosting, Liquid Web, etc. If you feel comfortable with $50 a month to get started, go for it. But you can also get a managed VPS form ASmallOrange for $20-30 per month, or the unmanaged plan at Digital Ocean $5-20. That’s up to you. You’re just adding landers to your domain via FTP, so there aren’t special requirements at this point. What matters is to get started fast and collect data to learn.
3. Mobile Ad Network
This is where you’re buying traffic. A few sources with mobile traffic are: Inmobi, Tapit, Decisive, Leadbolt, Airpush and Millenial Media. Also, many people recommend Decisive to get started because their interface is user friendly and they have tons of parameters to track.
I’d recommend picking up 1-2 traffic sources maximum and deposit your money there. First time I got started on mobile I deposited $500 in a traffic source and got a sweet deal for another $500 bonus. The point I’m trying to make clear is that you should pick up 1 traffic source at a time and dominate it. Don’t spread your $1000 in to 10 traffic sources with $100 deposit each. You’ll regret it. I guarantee it.
4. Tracker
A tracker isn’t optional. There’s CPV Lab, Prosper, iMobiTrax, Thrive and Voluum. If you don’t have a tracker already, pick up Voluum or Thrive. Thrive has a 30 day trial and they can install your Tracker if you don’t want to mess up with that. Or use Voluum and you’ve got a free tracker as long as you don’t send tons of traffic. I prefer Voluum, but Thrive is really good too. It all depends on the decision to for a self hosted tracker or a cloud based tracker. If you don’t know what to think about this, select Voluum and create your account to get started. You don’t need to worry about it at this point.
5. CPA network with mobile offers
Not all CPA networks are equal. Some of them have tons of Toolbars and Game offers. Some of them have offers in specific niches like skin, diet, etc. but some are specialized in mobile. That means at least 50-60% of their offers of not all, are mobile.
If you’re starting you need a network with a low payout limit and quickly payments. Some networks offer weekly payments with a min. amount of $50-100. Make sure you sign up with them if you’re low on cash or you’re a beginner. Trust me. You don’t want to spend $500 in 1 week and then wait 45 days until you get $300 back from your network to launch more campaigns. A few networks that are easy to get in are Furthermobi and Mobpartner. Yeahmobi also pays on a weekly basis but they require you to prove you can make at least $1,000 per month.
If you’ve been running web/desktop offers before and you’ve got earning screenshots and cash flow I’d recommend you to try: ClickDealer, Mundo Media, Matomy, Yeahmobi, AppFlood, Adsimilis and F5 Media.
Once you get approved add your manager via Skype or send him an email. Ask him/her for the top offers of the last days/week by Volume or Revenue. EPC doesn’t matter at this point, so Volume/Revenue is what you need to know. Check the top 50 offers and select 1-3 similar offers in the same niche.
The conversion process can be via Leads Generation (SOI/DOI), CPI (App installation and open), PIN submits (1 Click, 2 click flow, MT FLOW, etc.) or CPS (per sale or revenue share). Select an offer with a low payout (below $2) and 2 similar offers to split test. There are several niches, including coupons, dating, 大人, utilities, sweepstakes and more.
Add the offers and landers to your tracker and submit your banners/landers to your traffic source to launch your first campaign!
If you made it this far, you’ve launched your first of many mobile campaigns. you’re already ahead of the rest that didn’t take action. The only thing that’s worse than failing is not to make anything at all.
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