什么是skyscraper? 分析找到竞争对手社交分享最多、自然外链最多的文章,然后把这些文章的内容进行组合,改写,最后搞出一个超级长的综合性文章,因为超长,所以叫做skyscraper。 有了skyscraper后怎么做? 用SEO SpyGlass获取对手外链,用 LinkAssistant自动发邮件
邮件模板:(用SEO SpyGlass获取对手外链,用 LinkAssistant自动发邮件) Hey [Name], I was searching for some articles about [Your topic] today and I came across this page: I noticed that you linked to one of my favorite articles -- [Article Title] Just wanted to give you a heads up that I created a similar. It's like [Name of the article], but more thorough and up to date: [URL] Might be worth a mention on your page. Either way, keep up the awesome work! Cheers,
[Your name]
Here's the text David Vallance [url=]used for his Skyscraper link building experiment: Hey [Full Name], I was checking out some of your articles at [Website Name] today and found this page: [Linking Domain]. I noticed that you linked to one of my favourite articles ever: Bootstrap Bay's 17 Amazing Sites With Breathtaking Stock Photography. I absolutely love that article — it's made my blogging life so much easier. But I thought it could be better. I mean, 14 sites is good but it misses out so many excellent resources. I set out to make something better: The Ultimate List of Free Stock Photography Sites (40+ Websites). It's like Christopher Gimmer's article on Bootstrap but a bit more up-to-date and packed with a load more sites. You may want to consider linking to my article from your page. Thanks for your time and I'll see you around!