今天重装了遍IM(参照醉眼看花的帖子)2 n/ {) j, R/ \2 @3 s j2 U2 i
由于之前装过好几遍了,装的飞快,这次装的是im3.7的。应该也就一个多小时装完了,登陆domain/account/login.php然后出现& r( D$ ]2 e6 w- z" |, n This domain XXX.XXX is not licensed to run iMobiTrax.
If you have a licensed copy of iMobitrax, there may be an error in the domain in our system. You can log into your user panel atiMobiTrax.com and update your domain. Please contact support if you have any questions.
, \- e* `2 o- ?1 l1 v& L$ u4 o& X U# u . M1 i5 z4 y3 d( x0 w$ G P) a G& j \1 @) k1、转发IP地址没有错。& C, @8 c. l0 g
2、~imobi这个没有改,之前把~imobi改成imobitrax也出现上面图片了。。。 ; G2 S% H) p6 Q) G; j仔细想想,该注意的都注意了,应该没有问题啊" H; c1 G/ x& p4 C9 t
是不是装的太快了,域名没有解析成功啊,, R5 Z" h0 V9 a" _( {. A
cmd-ping www.xxx.com -t 6 J- Q. F* l# t7 S/ K" w! J然后就是不听的request time out了 $ e' N' P5 J( X- P' ^& p7 Y果然没解析成功 3 }; A A; ]3 s/ r; W发帖子时,又重装了一遍im ; t2 `$ R% t9 g. o8 H) a8 }& \+ C' F请问大牛们是不是这个原因?0 ]8 }5 d( l' O! C/ E' y7 r