' V @( g4 s1 w! p. b+ {Your Linode, linode1356454, has exceeded the notification threshold (90) for CPU Usage by averaging 156.8% for the last 2 hours. Your Linode, linode1356454, has exceeded the notification threshold (10) for outbound traffic rate by averaging 143.28 Mb/s for the last 2 hours ( e8 z& T, t* y8 f1 A1 n+ E3 F
一晚上跑了近1TB的流量,都不知道是怎么回事,流量额度就去了1/3,发了TK问客服,客服回复:. n3 I, y# m7 M. l! F
Thank you for contacting Linode Support.4 T/ u3 r& G# z0 w- d
; @% |( h$ P9 ]% I: GBased on what you have provided, this sounds like a system compromise. + V. A/ H; z1 E( ~. v2 i
2 G7 }# O6 M* V) H/ P& A# EI would suggest backing up your data and completely rebuilding the Linode.
' S6 e5 w5 ^9 R0 J& [- Z难道又要从头开始?{:soso_e118:}! V1 z# e5 u& @) a& v, R5 c