3.8相对3.7版本,功能基本无增加,据官方说修正了N多BUG,姑且信之。原先放出的PJ方法在3.8版本上无效,所以今天闲来无事,稍微研究了一下3.8的验证。 * M% P. N; Q3 E& E, S1 D从3.5开始,IM便对我的PJ方式进行打击,尤其3.8版本更是针对,名为修复BUG,实为更改验证方式。 8 [9 {& U5 N% N' Y " C5 r+ T8 u- h) H$ {5 R0 e: b所以,各位且行且珍惜。! S9 }& }4 W9 f$ F
不出意外,这应是最后一个PJ版本。 0 i- a( t" U- _- @7 M& G3 v& T4 T1 W/ g# F& H y
官方公布的3.8版本的变化:# e7 o$ i$ B6 O" s, Z, l
# R) Q2 Z" o' K$ i' C$ J
2 A8 A( L4 m& f- c/ V+ _( Z0 F*BUG FIXES*. }! \% x) z# U- d9 P4 [. y( H Fixed possible loop from illegal character check in sessions 8 o% v6 f% z5 g6 E4 v. n! @, FAllow HEAD posts in global postback. ' i. i/ k' M2 R7 WFixed checkinputs stopping at offer weights on campaign submits / `2 r$ {) H1 c* Z8 Q+ SFixed linking error while custom dates selected ' d- o* h+ F+ r4 ^3 CChanged conversion log to show duplicates properly1 F7 U! f1 E% u! q/ M) o2 u Fixed rong column being added on path stats B1 b( A9 j8 T( X# |# r Fixed php version encryption bug - W0 n+ K1 u( C0 y l% j1 M; p6 ~9 P# V) {/ T# h *ADDITIONS* - D7 S+ y; p1 D1. Added support for Windows 10+ ~! l$ d. k |4 Q, U9 r 2. Added support for the latest MAC and iOS devices. ' F. H2 U+ h; T3. Added devices to device DB.( p3 [. P" {4 p; h# z; T0 _% F2 T2 Q 4. New GEO DBs. $ g. ]8 K3 {+ \- o/ w) g0 [+ x( m6 d5 [
The form could not be submitted的解决:vi /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf,将www.lnmp.org改为你自己的域名,然后用/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reload 重启一下
发表于 2015-9-13 13:48