I suggest that you choose a vertical, choose one traffic source and focus! Do not bounce from area to another without first getting a solid grasp on what you are already working on. Do not pay for info products. Spend that money on traffic instead. You will learn so much more by doing and not just reading what others say might work. There are solid info products out there, but this is just my opinion. Good luck!
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虽然简短数句但是确实很在理.8 D" T% W o9 ]+ |1 s+ }& I
个人建议选择一个具体的方向,然后玩命的做。直到做出一些结果。不要买教程神马的,还不如把钱花在买流量上。最后你会发现你会学到更多。 ) A$ l' X' M# r0 k' r2 ?1 h# H7 n9 ?# q: {% C7 k% j' w. A
================== : b" C' G( c' d- h! {额。小弟英文烂,随便翻一下。欢迎拍砖。