今天好多国内网站给黑了, 5 x+ k( w; q! S" K7 Z$ D9 e: ? . x8 W" f% p4 o0 ^1 @" mGreetings Chinese Government And The People Of China,We Are The United Hackers 7 N, `1 S% W1 s K. Kof The Philippines And Vietnam,We Are Here Standing As One,We've Come To Protest Against Your Unjust Actions ' ], ~9 e7 a( W7 {over the South China Sea,Your Alleged Claim On Maritime Territories,And Your Oppressive Acts Has To Stop!4 G9 s. p% H/ J" I/ w8 t S6 B3 Z3 ]
This Can No Longer Be Tolerated,Consider This As A Warning,We Will Be Back.<br>Government Of China,Expect Us!” . {* ]% {+ z4 Y; O! D9 w7 G7 z0 e/ z9 i. t3 z/ z9 m9 T: F
& O R7 ]/ t9 @, N! T. L+ n$ U
行动代号OpChina:国际黑客组织匿名者(Anonymous)宣布今日发动对华网络攻击! F1 @, a5 Y: h& I
国际黑客组织匿名者(Anonymous)联合计划于2015年5月30日发动对华网络攻击,行动代号”OpChina”。目前日本、菲律宾、越南的黑客已响应行动。由于事件的升级,黑客大战已于29日悄悄提前开始了。截至昨晚已有一些政府、企业网站遭到涂鸦,黑页内容为: Z8 D, W# @# r' `" @% A( {
“Greetings Chinese Government And The People Of China,We Are The United Hackers$ e4 O6 u: Q) Y
of The Philippines And Vietnam,We Are Here Standing As One,We've Come To Protest Against Your Unjust Actions ) a' e* D$ v& A6 ^1 w5 Qover the South China Sea,Your Alleged Claim On Maritime Territories,And Your Oppressive Acts Has To Stop!6 X5 i. a0 k) S% \1 S
This Can No Longer Be Tolerated,Consider This As A Warning,We Will Be Back.<br>Government Of China,Expect Us!”