发表于 2015-5-17 12:11:50
本帖最后由 chinafla 于 2015-5-17 12:18 编辑
' S5 |* s$ m' q+ ~
* J9 E0 l* T" q. C' L4 ]5 i- G原文:
1 }% L2 ^& G, O/ l8 S5 i- Counting your chews for each bite is an easy way to refocus your attention on your eating and consciously slow down. I recommend chewing each bite 20 times or more before swallowing. If you have trouble remembering to chew, try putting your fork down between each bite. I have a rule that if I am in the process of stabbing food with my fork to prepare another bite I ask myself if there is food in my mouth already. If there is, I am reminded to set down my fork and focus on what I’m already eating. This practice alone could change your life, and has already done so for many of my readers.
复制代码 ) N; l: Z0 z& K7 O1 n' K
! i$ `) m& { }( _乐乐自动改 - 普通6 b* `; E6 a, Z y* u
- Checking your chews for every bite is an easy way consciously slow down and to refocus your attention in your eating. I suggest eating each bite 20 times or more prior to ingesting. Try putting down your fork between each bite if you have trouble keeping in mind to chew. I've a rule when I'm within the procedure of stabbing food with my hand to organize another bite I ask myself when there is food in my mouth currently. If there is, concentrate on exactly what I'm currently eating and I am advised to set down my fork. This practice has actually currently doinged this for numerous of my readers, and alone could change your life.
复制代码 9 i. R6 ~7 C i7 ^
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乐乐自动改 - 高级
' G; |* [) {& _' g1 O8 N9 ~ }7 K3 |- Counting your chews for every single bite is a good way purposely slow down and to refocus your attention on your own eating. I would suggest chewing each bite more or 20 times before consuming. Try placing your fork down between each bite, for those who have trouble remembering to chew. I got a rule that if I'm in the procedure for stabbing at food with my fork to organize another bite I ask myself if there's food in my mouth. When there's, focus on what I am already eating and I'm reminded to set my fork down. This practice has done for a number of my readers, and alone could change your life.
复制代码 高级改 改写对比
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wordai 开最好效果。。。; Z' ~* n2 U. H" Z0 t. ?* r. ^
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wordai turing - Very Readable
0 p2 {5 r$ q O7 q- Counting your chews for every morsel is a good approach purposely slow down and to refocus your attention on your eating. I would suggest chewing each bite more or 20 times before consuming. I got a rule that if I'm in the method of stabbing at food with my fork to prepare another bite I ask myself if there's food in my mouth already. When there's, focus on what I am already eating and I'm reminded to set down my fork. This practice has already done for a lot of my readers, and alone could change your life.' P( I- Z( Z, [. r1 y; r4 U: H
复制代码 4 u; s* `1 C+ [/ @% ^/ |9 t2 o
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