严重安全修复版本:8 Q" J# f8 I# I/ q; c
! j Q! f& V* {7 B% }; j+ H4 n8 U( O; S
WordPress 4.1.2 is now available. This is a critical security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately. + g$ |$ V! l. L* t- b# |7 c4 R! D( L- b0 a$ ^- y3 i9 U+ L
https://wordpress.org/news/2015/04/wordpress-4-1-2/ # h" ~7 H) [! T u3 z$ k. M! |% i1 _4 T1 s D3 e% l' k; z
如果 wp-config.php 里定义了 define('AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED', true); 应该不会自动升级的。