一个域名因为whois信息不正确被godaddy停用了,然后就让我提供带地址的证明文件,来来回回把身份证,护照都发给了客服,结果还是不行,求解,我该怎么整。。。。。 & U+ V* w$ A/ j5 K. F* o: x# l" A% V0 y! u/ L4 a
Thank you for your email. Passports do not contain addresses. please provide a certified translation of the documentation that matches the updated address listed. Examples of acceptable documentation may include but is not limited to: Utility bill, rental agreement, or a government-issued photo ID. ; Q4 \' ?. I/ j G$ C& K4 Q% ?& I4 N0 u4 |
Once this is received we will inform you if the claim has been closed or if we need additional information.
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