The decision has been made not to approve your account on the 大人moda network.
7 k+ p' \' j) G* d* P1 `6 @( @/ b, r7 e$ V. l/ P+ Q
Reasons for this may include, but are not limited to:0 Z& M' v: B9 P9 Y z r
- B% v3 B# c" ]& d+ }) B' ~* we could not find any information on the company name
- }" h, |& a, q8 @1 |6 ~* V2 E5 P* you are based in a country that causes administration challenges 2 p. d/ `/ n1 a% y6 L S& j3 [
* we have previously rejected, or worked with, your company/name before, and cannot currently accept you back on the network: d4 x: Z) J/ E) B4 ?- B) a3 q
* the service you wish to advertise looks like it may contain inappropriate/illegal content5 |, k: j E& Z# S" D
* you have not filled in the sign up form properly
* @/ c3 J9 n: X# [; h6 G3 K5 @6 G P2 ~: V- g5 s! u% s
Please feel free to reapply at a future date.
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