本帖最后由 hardrock 于 2014-12-7 18:12 编辑
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# m, \3 Z* r* H- M- O记得以前看过,amazon us aff 有一条款,美国哪些州是不可以做亚马逊联盟的,
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4 u; y$ ?& B+ K. K( M; ?! |! I* i In addition, if at any time following your enrollment in the Program you become a resident of Arkansas, Colorado, Maine, Missouri, or Rhode Island, you will become ineligible to participate in the Program, and this Operating Agreement will automatically terminate, on the date you establish residency in that state. In addition, you must promptly notify us in writing of your Arkansas, Colorado, Maine, Missouri, or Rhode Island residency, which you may do via the Contact Associates Customer Service form available here.
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If you are a Non-US person participating in the Program, you agree that you will perform all services under the Operating Agreement outside the United States. If, for any reason, you cannot comply with this requirement, you must notify us using this link for an exception. % M7 D' i3 k% F