在imobi上每次建立的广告都是“继续”,广告审核被搁置,咨询inmobi答复如下: $ u9 E) ^$ q1 \/ |' |9 J" s9 g6 T; U) A
We notice that the ad group 'xxxxxxxxx' is on hold due to Ad group proposition (landing page) is inaccessible.* R" b7 B5 P: f5 p/ d
The landing is not view able, please confirm if the landing page URL is geo locked and provide the screen shot of the landing page." a4 A6 ?* I) c
We shall review the ad group and activate the same. " C- Z9 z4 E2 }! H& U0 c , A8 t- ^& t/ x* q我建的是app download,因为大多广告的广告主做了设置,链接打开了也是空白页,似乎只有当地的装了Google play或iTunes的才能打开,应该是因为这个原因造成广告审核经常被搁置,这该怎么办呢?