上周进www.whatrunswhere.com/注册了一个3日免费版,试用需要用信用卡付款1美金,由于只是三天,所以就用自己的信用卡付了。 , C6 ?! f ~6 r! n ) ?/ y l+ G- _8 p5 p" o没想到过了一个周末,今天收到一个短信扣了我150刀!我一看就知道是WhatRunsWhere干的,上网一看,果然账号自动转成Active了。 6 R ]0 a9 I) l之前曾有人说多次注册试用会当做正式使用进行扣费,他们会查IP或者核对试用记录来证明你多次试用。由于我才使用一次,所以就掉以轻心,没去管。后来看了注册说明,好像生效3日之内可以申请退款,于是立马点击Support链接,发了个消息给他们。; B0 I$ s2 t6 `! o: G& E6 Z 总结如下:1)如果用自己的信用卡付款,注意如果不想用了,一定在3个自然日内去取消服务& K3 o! m5 ]/ K% f) F' ~
2)如果你多次用自己的信息去注册试用,他们根据你的信息重复程度或者IP之类的判断是同一个人,一样会扣你的费用。这一点已经有人发过贴中招了,我看了注册说明里,确实有提。2 T; Z( [* c; @9 f/ Q5 u3 X
3)可以考虑购买虚拟信用卡,就不用担心这个问题了。但是有人说这种卡购买之后使用几个小时WRW用户就没用了,估计是信用卡号出现太频繁会被判定为虚拟卡被K掉 ; S0 I* w5 V" W/ l5 a 4)如果是用的自己信用卡支付,试用3天后忘了取消服务被扣款了,那么一定要在生效后3日内写信要求退款,而且在这几天内不要再去使用它们的服务,否则你要回来的希望又变小了。。 1 g. C' y" B2 E4 y# W' C 4 A. d( P9 d& U5 P- K) \3 C+ n下面是我整个要求退款的过程:3 ^$ O' R. F, a
Dear Sir/Miss, p4 ^4 m! L8 m oI registrated on Nov.14th for a trail, but I didn't notice it will trun to normal service after 3days unless it's cacelled. Acturally I only tried it on Nov.14th. and decide not to use it. 3 \1 Z5 H, p0 C; k5 w/ a) z$ B
So I ask for return the month fee $150. - @; E. Z. ?/ ^: QThank you for the services! 1 ^5 l% S9 p* X7 c: l0 ^/ o* U8 l4 p; j
----------他们的回复---- ! j# _" F) @& IHi 3 N3 [6 ?$ ~0 V1 ^( t9 g) ^( hThank you for contacting WhatRunsWhere. When you sign up for our trial, you agree to this statement, "Charges will appear as "WhatRunsWhere" on your credit card statement. By clicking Continue, you agree and consent to our Terms of Service. You are agreeing to enroll in a trial offer, after your trial is over, you will automatically be enrolled in the full program if your account is not cancelled". Since you did not cancel your account, you were enrolled in the full program. Why didn't you want to proceed with the product?; \! V# q& K/ }8 X( W, h We would love to keep you on board and using WhatRunsWhere. I have setup a request to have your account closed and refunded. & f5 [ V+ l& }5 V3 S6 U刚开始看前面,我还以为被拒绝了,直到看到最后一句,原来有戏!!8 q9 G$ B9 M# A5 H& Y4 E5 Q- |
----所以我又回复了--------------- 4 [0 |. D" j: T* O3 k5 n: E: zThanks for your reply. 5 |% W2 N2 C/ E% s d3 _Someones on internet recommanded WhatRunsWhere, so I just wanted to learn what it looks like.4 w2 S$ V) q) ^4 O0 r5 M' a- W4 T
But I am not fully ready to use it, as I have some other things to do before using WhatRunsWhere.( v" a9 [8 t H( o3 D- a7 W
So that please close my account and refund.; k. H/ J1 i* x; M1 P. W9 w) \
(再一次确定要她退款)6 g |0 D6 i3 ^! E2 i0 U) ?! K
% A7 D2 f' i5 w b0 D
----最后他们反馈3-5日会退款---- 7 q/ ~/ q/ Y+ G4 hHi,( w% `! @% \: O# h/ H
I have submitted a request to have your account closed and refunded. This takes about 3-5 business days to complete. If you do not see the refund on your next statement, please contact us. 6 Y3 f% v% S$ n& q, l