本帖最后由 Cyou-Geemobi 于 2014-9-25 21:25 编辑
# j7 N G1 ^9 K. P3 n. r
4 G, A+ `6 \% n: p. h! D7 ~# K前言 昨天说了国家颜色,今天来细说国家。就以最近这一年最为火爆的印度市场为例子。印度作为我们的近邻,手机的增长呈现超市场预期的良好态势。 作为每个affiliate,广告的投放都要精确到手机,型号和运营商等等。今天我们就来讲(ji)讲(xu)印(diao)度(zha)的(tian)情况
6 L+ ~5 }9 c" F7 m }2 f8 q/ N, w5 \0 J# S4 f. ]
现在的情况是这样的: 7 l. y& R# m1 y( D$ Y
1. Samsung: With 29 per cent market share in Q2 2014Samsung is the outright market leader. High volume support came in from the sub$150 products such as Galaxy Star pro and Galaxy S Duos. 2. Micromax: Micromax with 18 per cent of the marketshare stood at the second spot and has been growing quarter on quarter. 3. Karbonn: Karbonn has maintained its third position.However the gap between Micromax and Karbonn has widened significantly. 4. Lava: This brand is within thestriking distance from Karbonn and it will not be a surprise if Lava topplesKarbonn to clinch the third spot in the smartphone category in the comingquarters. 5. Motorola: Motorola has maintained its success storyin the smartphone market in India. Despite being available only through onlinechannel, Motorola has crossed 1 million mark within 5 months of its launch. / q5 ?1 F, R/ X) f0 ~
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根据 印度经济时报报导,根据IDC的统计,2012年第3季印度智慧型手机市场前五大品牌依序是三星(市占率达45.2%)、诺基亚(12.3%)、Sony(9.0%)、宏达电(8.5%)、Micromax(8.0%);2013年第3季市占率排名前五名依序为三星(市占率达32.9%)、Micromax(17.1%)、Karbonn(11.2%)、诺基亚(5.0%)、Lava(4.7%)。报导指出,就在黑莓机BlackBerry市占率自一年前的3.9%大跌至0.5%的同时,印度本土品牌Lava则是从2.8%窜升至4.7%。
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大概内容就是这些,AM见面信息,扫一扫微信公众号就知道了。 7 B/ b' J2 H6 f1 M3 x" X- c; _* Q