This should be extremely valuable for marketers in e-commerce, retail, travel, financial services, and other direct-response industries that value actions taken on their websites. Early testing of conversion measurement with optimized CPM has generated strong results for multiple advertisers who are focused on driving user actions on their websites:
Online retailer was able to reduce its cost per new customer acquisition by 39 percent when it used conversion measurement and optimization to serve ads to consumers deemed most likely to convert.
The Democratic Governors Association used conversion measurement with optimized CPM to deliver ads to users who were most likely to sign up for its mailing list. According to Mark Giangreco, Digital Director of the DGA, the Association noticed a dramatic decrease in its cost per conversion - 85% lower than any other campaign the DGA had run online.
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- m4 q0 i4 L4 j( J2 [) p同时FBX (facebook exhcange) + facebook retargetting 也被各种RTB,SSP, DSP视为今年的发展潮流。; G | @2 Q! Q/ ?( z
& ?" R9 N7 Y2 M9 z8 d: x! N
综合论坛最近所见,越来越多的新人老人开始涌入facebook,犹如当年的adwords, 能挺下来的,都是精英。% O X6 H5 @8 j7 ?; k