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7 天掌握Mobile Marketing (Day 4)









Rank: 2



发表于 2014-8-31 11:39:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 清心 于 2014-9-1 10:51 编辑

7 Days to Master Mobile Marketing (Day 4)

Day 4: Creating Ads

One*piece*of advice I heard when getting started is never use the ads provided by the network, always create your own. Most of the time they are either complete crap, or so many people use them that they don’t stand out. As an affiliate you’re a middleman after all, but the value you provide is in your ability to create high performing ads and optimizing campaigns.

On mobile there are 2 different types of ad formats. The first is text, and the second is image. From my experience the image ads seem to outperform text, but it’s always worth testing since it varies by ad network and campaign.

Whether you go text or banner, you still need to learn the basics of writing copy. I’m going to use MeetMoi Dating from NeverBlue and Offermobi as an example.

Most people writing ads for MeetMoi would create an ad something like this:

Dating Site
Register here now

The problem with these types of ads is they don’t stick out and they don’t pull a user to action. When working with most ad networks its better to create high CTR (click through) ads. Not only will this give you more traffic it will also often reduce your cost per visitor.

Here are some headlines I’ve ran in the past:

• Like Girls?
• Want to Hang Out?
• Men Wanted
• Local Sexy Girls
• Need a Girlfriend?

The body copy is second in importance but should usually follow the theme of the headline and include a call to action. You want to make the action seem simple and easy and show them the benefit by completing it.

Here are some examples:

Click here to start
Browse pics (tap here)
FREE sign up – click here

Your message is the most important element of your ad. It can*literally*make or break your campaign. Let me tell you a little story about the diet vertical. Most affiliates, me included, were quite comfortable with our ad copy, sure we had to stop using celebrity names, and no graphic before and afters, but there was still money to be made.

Than one day a Diet eBook of all things changed the way we looked at ads forever. They started using cartoons and headlines like “1 Trick to Lose Belly Fat” in cursive font. Within a few months these ads spread like wildfire. I could not believe the click through rates I was able to achieve on some of my media buys, I’m talking about a 1% CTR, imagine 1 out of every 100 pageviews someone clicked on my ad! On top of that these ads converted like crazy. The moral of the story is that your creatives are vital so take the time to do it right.

In case you’re wondering what ad I’m talking about.

So you want to learn what it takes to write good copy? Well the rules to good copywriting have been established decades ago by the*pioneers*of direct response marketing. This PDF books by Claude C. Hopkins is a classic and FREE to distribute since its past its copyright.


Read this every time you need inspiration on writing good copy.

Start writing some headlines in a simple word editor, or do it old school and use paper and pen. Remember to keep track of copy that works because typically you can take those words and use them in all sorts of verticals. Be mindful that on mobile there is restrictions on length of headlines and body so limit your 2 lines to about 25*characters.

Now that you have your copy adding images and making banners is a breeze. I’m going to show you how to make mobile banners using Photshop, but there are many options out there including FREE services including GIMP*and*Piknik. Do a bit of Googling and you can find your favorite, or invest in your business and buy PhotoShop.

Below is a video of me creating an ad for MeetMoi in real time. Remember the name of the game is not to create pretty ads, but to create ones that catch attention of your end user and get them to click and take action. In fact, the less design skills you have the higher the probability that your ad will perform. UGLY WORKS! Don’t believe me? Have you ever heard of a company called Lower My Bills… they are a huge multimillion-dollar lead gen company who uses some of the most ugly ads around. From dancing aliens to tattoo*parlors they do it all. Here is an old*blogspot*about some classic ads from Lower My Bills.

Below I will show you the process I go through in making ads for mobile devices.

In the video below I will show you how to do the following in PhotoShop:

Create image with specific pixel size
Ad images and text
Ad border
Ad basic animation
Save for web device
Resize to other ad sizes

Daily to Do: Create 10 banners for your chosen offer in 300×50 and resize them to 216×36 for a total of 20 ads.


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