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7 天掌握 Mobile Marketing (Day 2)









Rank: 2



发表于 2014-8-30 10:08:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 清心 于 2014-9-1 10:23 编辑

本系列文章来自国外收费论坛AFF PLAYBOOK的精华教程,不敢私藏,特意分享给大家,但是因为没有时间翻译,所以英文不太好的同学可以复制到谷歌自动翻译看看吧,这是第2天的部分。

7 Days to Master Mobile Marketing (Day 2)

Day 2: Picking Your Offers

This is probably one of the most common questions. It can be quite daunting to find offers with so many options out there. How do you know which offer is a winner?

Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret… YOU CAN’T. The truth of the matter is you can’t guarantee an offer is a winner. In fact there are offers you might do well with that others simply can’t get to work. The only way to find a profitable campaign is by testing.

Let me explain my philosophy in affiliate marketing: Launch, Launch, Launch, Optimize, Then Launch Some More!

If you launch 2 – 3 campaigns a day, with tracking set up properly, I guarantee that within a few weeks you will find a winner. It may not be the monster that makes you $1,000 per day, but it will be profitable, and more often times than not, also scalable.

Look at it this way: 80/20 rule (which I live by)… 80% of your campaigns will FAIL! That means if you launch 10 only 2 will do break even or better. Lets say those 2 you got to make you $10 a day. With this logic to find one or two that makes you $100 a day you would need 10 profitable campaigns or 100 campaigns tested total. So that means to find a monster that makes you $1,000 a day it can take over 1,000 campaigns in testing.

Don’t worry though, I have a system for maximizing your chances of finding a winner faster and with less testing budget.

I looked at campaigns I’ve had success with and asked myself what they have in common? The following are keys to finding profitable offers on mobile display.

TEST 1: Does the offer have mass-market appeal? In other words if 100 people saw the offer you would want the maximum amount of people to be interested. Take dating for example. Males who are single (and some that cheat) in the US alone account for at least 15% of the population, so offers in this vertical pass the first test.

TEST 2: Does the offer work on phones? You’ll be shocked as to how many offers out there simply don’t look right, or have functionality that doesn’t work. Here is what I do to test the offer and make sure that it works properly.

· Use the following firefox plugin which allows you to pose as an iPhone Default User Agent
· Want to test other phones add this to the above plugin Default User Agent Extension
· Change the resolution of FF browser to that of a phone (iPhone4 960 x 640 px) You can use this plugin

TEST 3: Does the offer have a simple path? Remember people on phones aren’t going to fill out extensive complicated forms. Make sure the offer has a simple path from the first page to the conversion. For example, if you’re running a mobile subscription, ask your rep how the user confirms their subscription. Is it a simple reply Yes to text or do they have to go back to the webpage and enter their pin. Little things like this make a HUGE difference on mobile.

PROTIP – Another clue as to whether an offer might be good to test if it you see it on more than one network. Remember to follow the origin use and track the redirects to ensure you’re getting the offer near the top and not brokered from 3 other network. Use a service like oDigger to spot offers you want to run. Remember that payout and EPC aren’t everything since these numbers can easily be inflated by unscrupulous netowrks.

Once you select your offers contact your rep and ask how they have performed in the past or are currently performing. Ask them for any tips that might help you get profitable including how much volume they are producing, what kind of EPC, which countries perform best, how much budget and cap they have, which handsets are performing, which carriers are doing best, and anything else you want to know.

Unlike traditional web CPA offers, the WAP offers are a bit limited. This will change, so always keep your eye out for new offers and get on them first before others pick up on the trend. First to market is always easier then trying to muscle your way in. With that being said, there are still more than enough offers for you to drive traffic to RIGHT NOW.

Here are the type of offers I’ve had success with:

· Mobile Path (Sivler-Path)
· Ringtones (Thumplay and Jamster)
· Crush Quiz (Private Offer)
· Dating (MeetMoi and 大人 Dating)
· Promo Offers (Win an iPad)
· Lead Generation (Pre Paid Cards)

Daily to Do: Start poking around the various networks and make your short list of 3 offers that you might want to test. Grill your account reps about the offers and try to get as much intelligence about what is working. Use the tools above to test the offer paths to get a better idea of what a user might have to go through. Keep in mind forms that are easy on web are a pain on phones so look for offers that keep it simple. Don’t be afraid to pick international offers.


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