大神帮看下是什么问题?怎么解决!6 }# D( h& L. E) S. k6 j2 A, y! z! Y
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysqli_report() in /www/web/csopp_com/public_html/202-config/connect.php on line 23 5 b; c$ R; U3 Y8 f6 e; s
Google一下别人的回答:, L8 h! Y% Y( v1 L
. B7 Y4 W8 d3 V* F* L
Its seems that MySQLi extension is not enabled on your server. P202 1.8 use MySQLi instead of old MySQL. Make sure its enabled, before installing or upgrading to version 1.8.: \9 g4 v! y. Z