( L8 T" O5 q8 d a; D z! I7 u
本人是新手,现在只是在bluehost上建了一个个人的blog,写了几篇英文的post,还没有什么流量。+ [/ W, i/ ^' {/ F, x+ x
' K1 }: z1 K$ `) R3 E
) M: f( K5 y- i' b: l9 H- gif you would like to appeal your rejection, please reply to this
6 v0 K" P5 E y7 Y, G5 Se-mail with a detailed explanation on how you drive traffic to
( ?4 [, x k5 @# Y9 \) jaffiliate marketing campaigns. Make sure to include the types+ n, v" }! u; J1 H& H |
of traffic you send, the campaigns you advertise and the networks
2 q% P( v" T# m7 Swith which you currently work.8 A* _$ u. f. s: ^& z, [# L, d
' O. ?" O6 C& k/ n- Y8 k这里提到的几个问题:
7 _$ M4 t2 D4 @# Y0 a1. how you drive traffic to affiliate marketing campaigns.
/ W6 T- F- p- u: A4 x+ t+ O* D4 x2. networks with which you currently work
) ]2 h( P9 q/ j& f; a- b- m分别是什么意思?+ \. O+ H- j" @4 x0 B
/ a) k' Y: w) j( Y/ ` s
大牛给个指点吧。% g2 ]& J: _5 W" Y" J/ I. Y5 `
/ l# t6 Y0 I$ [" ]! `5 ?, B
0 o, b1 z6 S+ t) D; C
: m- s3 ^# `+ A; l9 K ~