发表于 2014-4-11 11:56:36
我也收到 很多邮件 都提示 openssl漏洞4 k# j9 O; g7 S' Y+ D
+ W4 y" W( }# g' @Few tips that may assist you with this vulnerability:
* r+ F0 I% n/ x& M V o1. If you have a secured website with SSL, you may go to the following URL: https://lastpass.com/heartbleed/ or https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/ to check whether your site is vulnerable to this heartbleed." N2 {$ [9 e, Y2 D* E. h8 H! H* l, B
: v7 Q3 U7 J! X% Y6 m
2. If you have a 科学上网 that is using the TLS/DTLS implementation, you should upgrade your OPenSSL with the 科学上网 hardware vendor and generate a new key. Cisco ASA 科学上网 is not affected by this heartbleed. If you are using linux variance, you need to update the OpenSSL to version 1.0.0 via the distribution security repositories.7 V0 m* i" ~, i# {
, H' y3 J0 s' d& \0 M. Q2 d4 G
3. If you are using SSH keys to gain access to your server, then you are OK |