CPV Lab 2.17 is Now Released! / U5 P3 Q" D3 [; Z8 w J
8 a3 a* [" B9 q4 J
In this update we addressed the top 3 requests from our users and also added many new core functions and improvements. 7 C5 i E1 R. d
) V3 S, x4 N7 G( W: t4 I9 r4 a
Please read through this entire post, especially the server details towards the end, as the server requirements and update install process have been updated./ Z _" U, \* ]8 X
) O9 C9 Y* J5 N" f& T8 Q
Contents: . z- a; u- c' T6 b' r. ]* v, U
1st = Mobile Device Detection and Data G* i! w) f. Q B
2nd = Volume, More Data and Fast Interface Speeds m+ K8 |/ N& s! N, O2 t% d
And…there’s still more!; Y$ U: @- J- Y( P, i( `+ l
2.17 Update Installation ; D- u/ k! E" B/ @" v
9 b1 U$ J+ S& P7 ^5 X
===== 1st = Mobile Device Detection and Data =====# f! g3 v* ?& y/ D2 \4 \
% f( k7 p1 [3 |4 U8 H
After a great deal of research, Q&A + Feedback…we seriously addressed the overall usage and importance of mobile data across the board:" n7 e8 s$ n" D! {; H
; [& c* U, x1 D9 K# s0 h! i
– Full Mobile Detection and Stats, including Mobile Carriers and Automatic Updates of Detection Databases every 2 weeks or less.' q. l) N$ y+ i% e |( r0 }
) ]7 E% o( w% _+ Y: g4 Q9 ^4 E
Over 30 Mobile Data Points available allowing you to go far beyond the traditional mobile optimization points of device name, etc. with actual content and media your visitors support. ; f* E4 h8 i" C4 S- a& g
# i$ j# Z$ P; W* A' l% B/ x9 s+ ?
– Mobile Audience Stats…Quickly View a Breakdown of your Mobile Visitors to identify top performing Brands, Carriers, Devices, Data Rates and Specific Features Based on the Visitors Device. 8 o: J1 H, @/ x* ~$ P) ]
1 o" D& R4 c! U9 L' a5 P
– Don’t Lose Your Cookies!:) Mobile introduces several issues with Cookie-based Tracking, however, with Desktop/Laptop users…Cookie-based tracking is the most popular method across the board and has been used since the dawn of the internet. 2 V, P& U( N& g# |7 i$ B" v$ c3 L
' Y$ B$ F! H5 M
We didn’t want to lose the use of cookies completely, but had to support and track all mobile visitors regardless of their device settings. So, Live-Switch was born…this feature offers Cookie & Cookie-Less Tracking to Support All Visitors regardless of their device and settings. It’s all on the fly and in real-time, nothing extra to setup. - }; K" o) p4 e! m3 _
5 W# P2 J+ M0 E$ |- d$ P- m
===== 2nd = Volume, More Data and Fast Interface Speeds =====3 S) \4 z: S8 x) f# Y Z! ~; N
One of the biggest issues high volume users faced was sluggish stats once the database reached a certain point. To address this, we’ve added TrueCache to allow enhanced Volume Capabilities and greatly Increase Responsiveness of User Interface. : n. v' m: d0 n; X w2 N
- u# j; ?" W6 o0 @
The reason it’s called “TrueCache” is because another concern many high-volume users had was the ability to customize data storage options to their hosting environment. You have this ability as well using a simple configuration file./ ^! A* n1 {7 J! Q8 l
$ @& ~, \$ W8 _8 w% O- R2 v
Check out the 2.17 Feature Guide for more details and setup instructions.4 U( ~7 B6 y# h/ ]
! |2 x6 a- q2 t! J: g# ]' r0 Y: M
http://cpvlab.com/release/217_Feature_Guide.pdf3 h; U$ X2 V9 F2 Y' K
& F& f* [( H2 a$ o
===== 3rd = Advanced, Yet Easier Ways to View & Customize Stats ===== 8 k. F! Y( m( X( u5 U
+ W3 Z% P" l, G( l
The common thread from users, was the ability to group stats by specific data points using a series of dropdown boxes. But for most users, when asked…they generally and most frequently viewed their stats across all campaigns in a “routine” of specific data sets.- W+ B0 ~+ q: Y! D* d2 w
4 `$ |: u0 B, @2 ` A; Y/ Y
It became very clear, the solution wasn’t to “group” the data, as this can become somewhat cumbersome and limited based on the number of options available. But simply to view the Stats just as you wanted them…based on your Common and Most Used Viewing Habits./ ^* l, A5 Q- B
; v, H/ L# P7 d2 h! A
So, we added just that.6 {% ~; `* e. k* S5 Y
0 |4 D; |: t i s8 O) i! a5 q3 F/ M
Quick-Stat Views feature for Target Performance Stats allows you to quickly change you Target Performance stats by specific data points.2 H4 f, k5 r! G: n% X
% {" l# D) L! j; \0 X
For Example…In 2 Clicks, go from viewing:0 S/ W) f; d$ D% h
To: Device Brands ‘ CTR ‘ CR ‘ Cost Per Subscriber " _2 g) T0 g J. l& V7 [
7 P6 ]; A0 E" z3 t
Anything you can think of…you can select the data points to view and save them to be quickly used anytime. You can even Drag & Drop the column order for each custom view to display the information exactly as you wish.+ ^/ W3 A8 k/ ?7 A( p" u
% O% P, i3 j3 p/ g# e7 H
And…2 n1 B: W/ L9 y( ], T
– Multi-Select Controls Added to Show/Hide Dropdown Menu on All Pages # k+ [4 H r. s9 a6 l4 }* p; E7 V1 G
– Ability to filter by Visitor Type, Target, Page and Offer in Stats$ \: R+ {- n" _$ l
– Drag-and-Drop Re-Ordering and Re-Sizing of Columns in Stats Tables; m5 w% a- E2 S4 j8 C
' e4 y' U# J- n3 l7 E
===== YUP, There’s More… =====3 s+ f8 d4 T( {8 g
; f0 b6 D2 H9 g1 Q
- If/Then Redirects to redirect visitors based on multiple conditions using over 30 data options. Send visitors to a Specific Page, Offer, URL or Campaign.$ l. c" y7 J2 g
" }& Y a( E( z" v) o7 Z
- Trends Heatmap Views to quickly identify top performing times of day by CTR, CR, ROI, Subscriber Rate, etc.8 S1 g6 X4 k& `9 l
% m5 ^) W$ W9 a
- Trends – Ability to Filter by Target, Page, Offer and by specific days of the week. ! m, X p ^; u$ a* [ e% g