We want to keep you informed about some important changes that are happening to domain name registrations.
These changes have been introduced by ICANN, the governing body for top level domain names. ICANN has requested that registrars verify the registrant email address associated with gTLD new domain name registrations. ICANN has also mandated that registrars also utilize the verification process when a domain name is transferred or a domain registrant edits their First Name, Last Name, or email address information.
As of 1st January 2014, anyone who registers, transfers, or alters specific contact details linked to a domain name will receive an extra activation email. It is vital that you respond to this email as soon as you can.
How will I recognize the email?
The email will have the subject “IMMEDIATE VERIFICATION required for <yourdomain.com>”.
What will the email ask me to do?
It will ask you to validate your email address within 15 days from the point you received your first notification. It’s best to respond right away, but reminders will be sent out on days 5, 10 and 15 to remind you if you haven’t yet completed it. Please check your spam folder should these emails not arrive to your inbox.
What happens if I don’t reply?
If you don’t validate your details within 15 days of your initial notification, your domain will be suspended and any website or email using the domain will be unavailable. Your domain can be reactivated, but this could take up to 48 hours, so it’s best to not let it get to this stage.
Do I have to complete verification every time I register a new domain or renew or alter an existing domain?
You are not required to perform the above validation and verification procedures if you have already successfully completed the validation and verification procedures with us on the identical contact information and you are not in possession of facts or knowledge of circumstances that suggest that the information is no longer valid.
As always, if you have any further concerns, please feel free to contact our Domain Registration Team. https://support.icertified.net/index.php?/Tickets/Submit
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