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% a9 e$ k* ^) j% e) bBelow are the recently upload scripts that contain code to send email. You may wish to inspect them to ensure they are not sending out SPAM.0 }6 H8 l. s* f& t$ a) H- Z
' n+ J9 I( e4 U3 U7 f; l# g n$ p# H/home/trkallfr/public_html/202-cronjobs/index.php:100:3 A& Q, n% {- q2 ]$ S2 i
/home/trkallfr/public_html/202-cronjobs/index.php:101: mail('[email protected]','Server Down',$theError);
" ~, D1 [1 Q! f/home/trkallfr/public_html/202-cronjobs/index.php:102: echo $theError ;4 d! `7 X* i. k
( ?; l7 J& H; {; J) f! ^/home/trkallfr/public_html/202-lost-pass.php:60:3 M6 c& q4 M% T0 L" U( }" s
/home/trkallfr/public_html/202-lost-pass.php:61: mail($to,$subject,$message,$header);5 q9 k, K, F% r) m6 V$ F0 x
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- E( y; q+ N, R* {. A. J4 s6 ^/home/trkallfr/public_html/202-config/functions-tracking202.php:27:
5 n7 e' V7 z2 m7 O/home/trkallfr/public_html/202-config/functions-tracking202.php:28: mail($to,$from,$message,$header);
6 E3 v* U7 R5 D$ [0 n, Z) l f/home/trkallfr/public_html/202-config/functions-tracking202.php:29:/ a" o5 i8 t- ~7 F( p
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