发表于 2014-1-16 16:27:05
本帖最后由 flyingdog 于 2014-1-16 16:29 编辑 ; R/ z: v; u i; U/ F
花魂雪魄 发表于 2014-1-16 15:54 
8 O2 _$ O8 \4 i6 C+ [5 p再给你贴个联盟典范
/ T s" J, ?* H* Q$ \$ w. g我也贴个NB的,虽然很多人对NB有意见,但到目前来说我跑的OFFER还没出啥问题。其实应该是我跑的广告主都很不错。后来这个广告主给我账户增加了几天的量,2000多leads。其实广告主网站出问题的那两天每天只是几个小时的down机,而最后广告主不仅把那两天的量给补上了还多给了我两天的量。简直是白赚钱啊。。。+ y" l+ Q0 @! A% M! Q8 B. ~
4 l1 y/ a" |# HDear Affiliates," I8 ^5 [: w( G/ N: F
* F9 O3 _( e- J+ \# s$ w8 l' T
Please note that (广告主) will remain paused until 25th February 2013.
8 ?7 X9 x9 f7 l9 O( i) F; u0 i# ]
; a: H! L/ ~5 L5 A( `( `0 A6 OUnfortunately this was totally unavoidable and the advertiser is working to get it up and running asap.
1 ^! X4 H1 p @- U) @5 oThe advertiser is very sorry and as partners you are all very important to them, which is why as a gesture of good faith they have agreed to match leads based on historical averages. They will be covering leads from Thursday 14th - Monday 18th February.
: I& z3 {6 {) T/ Q8 U$ e
3 \5 E+ c- B2 h# I3 E3 Z0 EThese leads will be added after next week so please contact your Affiliate manager after this time for more details.
' ]* A1 ^. m2 Z* h8 c4 K* h) @: G/ c. l2 c
9 M/ _6 q+ ]$ N6 Z) U7 f8 i
7 V0 p' g5 H* H' g! dThe Neverblue Team |