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upload_max_filesize = 2M % V3 P- h# b# ~( f3 {" `% e 3 a& p% M4 c4 \8 @" t; Ophp环境下无法上传大文件的解决方法 http://www.ppsmove.com/stationtec/4862.html 9 x3 ]- }. }+ f7 l% H % {3 {, x+ }8 O3 A) N9 S3 j$ f: S5 v1 Z) q& L: _2 m
" V ]: x' Q$ U5 j- o3 C W! ~3 x- V http://www.solagirl.net/how-to-migrate-wordpress-from-local-computer-to-server.htmlhttp://www.solagirl.net/wp-migrate-db.htmlhttp://www.wpdaxue.com/wp-migrate-db.html * g9 h+ k" ~5 L: b. t7 ?WP Migrate DB 数据库迁移插件 在本地测试站安装,在导出数据库前更改数据库网址和文件路径等,然后导出数据库。网站移植到空间后,然后在 phpMyAdmin 导入刚才导出的数据库文件即可。站点数据等更改完成后就可以卸载这插件了 0 n: g1 x! }! o6 i. `1 y: s / B- o( ~/ m! P6 \ ; _% E# b6 S" u( j' X0 G2 ?/ s; d u4 g- Z( h: d
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Pretty Link http://www.wpdaxue.com/pretty-link.html. ?5 W% A& T# Y+ K7 `! k
在WordPress后台“安装插件”中直接搜索Pretty Link,搜索结果中是Pretty Link Lite,也就是Pretty Link的简易免费版本5 m, Z( m( W9 {9 ]# U' D1 t
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( W' c- {& [' R F2 m/ j$ y; ~How To Move Your WordPress Website From localhost To Live Server& p& ~8 `/ x/ d3 S" N! y; l b http://www.wpexplorer.com/wordpress-local-to-live/) m, v! r4 h( ?* f5 o) B+ q0 C7 r